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Journal No. 5   26 May 2022

This Journal is intended to give delegates, representatives and other participants advance indications of the Health Assembly’s tentative programme of work. Additional information can be found in the Guide for delegates to the World Health Assembly (document A75/DIV./2 Rev.1)

The Journal does not constitute an official record of the Health Assembly’s proceedings. The Journal is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on every working day during the Health Assembly.

N° 5 Programme of meetings for Thursday, 26 May 2022


Committee A
Room XX

Committee B


Seventh meeting

Third meeting


Eighth meeting 

Fourth meeting


Ninth meeting 


Table of contents

1. Date and working hours

2. Programme of work of the Health Assembly

3. Report of meetings

4. Strategic roundtables

5. Other meetings

6. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings

7. Announcements

151st session of the Executive Board, 30 May 2022, WHO headquarters – Auditorium

Please note the following administrative arrangements:

Badges for Members of the Board, their alternates and advisers, and representatives of Member States and organizations invited to attend, will be issued at the Palais:

WHA enquiry desk – Door 40 E Building.

Thursday, 26 May from 14:00 to 17:00, Friday, 27 May from 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturday 28 May from 08:00 until the closure of the Assembly.


Interpretation will be provided in the official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) to help delegates to follow the discussions. Delegates are requested to speak clearly and at a normal speaking pace to enable clear and accurate interpretation. Copies of all statements should be submitted at least one hour in advance by email to interpret@who.int. Clearly indicate the name of the country delegation/group in the subject line of the email. Note: a statement of three minutes at normal speaking pace is equivalent to approximately 330 words.

1.  Date and working hours

The working hours of the Health Assembly are from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 17:30 (CEST).

The Health Assembly will close no later than Saturday, 28 May 2022, as decided by the Executive Board at its 150th session.

2. Programme of work of the Health Assembly

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Seventh, eighth and ninth meetings of Committee A — Building E Room XX

09:00, 14:30 and 18:00

Draft third report of Committee A

Document (Draft) A75/61 containing two decisions entitled:

-       Sustainable financing

-       Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

and two resolutions entitled:

-       Strengthening health emergency preparedness and response in cities and urban settings

-       Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination

Item 16 (Pillar 2) continued

Discussion of agenda item 16 will be grouped as follows: (16.1 & 16.3)

Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

·       Item 16.1

The Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme

-       Document A75/16

·       Item 16.3

WHO’s work in health emergencies

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/47, A75/A/CONF./6, A75/A/CONF./6 Add.1, A75/A/CONF./8 and A75/A/CONF./8 Add.1

Item 14 (Pillar 1) continued
Discussion of agenda item 14 will be grouped as follows: (14.1: A, D, F, J, & A75/10 Add.5), (14.1: B, C, E, I, A75/10 Add.6 and A75/INF./4), (14.1: G & H), (14.2, 14.3 & 14.4), (14.5, 14.6, 14.7), (14.8)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 14.1 continued

Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/10 Rev.1 Add.1, A75/10 Rev.1 Add.2, A75/10 Add.1, A75/10 Add.2, A75/10 Add.3, A75/10 Add.3 Corr.1, A75/10 Add.4, A75/10 Add.5, A75/10 Add.6, A75/10 Add.8, A75/INF./8 and EB150/2022/REC/1, decision EB150(4)

A.     Draft implementation road map 2023–2030 for the global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013–2030 (document A75/10 Add.8)

B.     Draft recommendations to strengthen and monitor diabetes responses within national noncommunicable disease programmes, including potential targets

C.    Draft global strategy on oral health (document A75/10 Add.1)

D.    Draft recommendations on how to strengthen the design and implementation of policies, including those for resilient health systems and health services and infrastructure, to treat people living with noncommunicable diseases and to prevent and control their risk factors in humanitarian emergencies (document A75/10 Add.2)

E.     Progress in the implementation of the global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem and its associated goals and targets for the period 2020–2030 (document A75/10 Add.3)

F.     Progress achieved in the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the promotion of mental health

G.    Draft intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders in support of universal health coverage (document A75/10 Add.4)

H.    Draft action plan (2022–2030) to effectively implement the global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority

I.       Draft recommendations for the prevention and management of obesity over the life course, including potential targets

J.      Draft workplan for the global coordination mechanism on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases

o   Strengthening synergies between the World Health Assembly and the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

-       Document A75/INF./4

If time permits

·       Item 14.2

The global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1 and EB150/2022/REC/1, resolution EB150.R3

·       Item 14.3

Global strategy for tuberculosis research and innovation

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

·       Item 14.4

Road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

·       Item 14.5

Immunization Agenda 2030

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

·       Item 14.6

Infection prevention and control

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/A/CONF./5 and A75/A/CONF./5 Add.1

·       Item 14.7

Global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

·       Item 14.8

Standardization of medical devices nomenclature

-       Documents A75/11, A75/11 Add.1, and EB150/2022/REC/1, decision EB150(10)

Third and fourth meetings of Committee B — Building E Room XVII (overflow Room XXII)

09:00 and 14:30

Draft first report of Committee B

Document (draft) A75/62 containing two resolutions entitled:

-       Scale of assessments 2022–2023

-       Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution

and one decision entitled:

-       Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan

Item 21 (Pillar 4) continued

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 21.6 continued

Global strategies and plans of action that are scheduled to expire within one year

o   Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1 and EB150/2022/REC/1, decision EB150(11)

·       Item 21.5 continued

WHO reform

o   Written statements: guidelines for Member States

-       Documents A75/30 and EB149/2022/REC/1, decision EB149(3)


Item 21 (Pillar 4) continued

Discussion of agenda item 21 will be grouped as follows:  (21.7, 21.8 & 21.9)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board


·       Item 21.7

Human resources: annual report

-       Documents A75/31 and A75/57

·       Item 21.8

Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1 and EB150/2022/REC/1, resolution EB150.R8

·       Item 21.9

Report of the International Civil Service Commission

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

Item 22 (Pillar 4) continued

Budget and financial matters

·       Item 22.1

WHO programmatic and financial reports for 2020–2021, including audited financial statements for 2021

-       Documents A75/32, A75/33, A75/51 and A75/INF./5

Discussion of the following agenda items (23, 25 & 26) will be grouped

Item 23 (Pillar 4)

Agreement with intergovernmental organizations

-       Document A75/34

Item 25 (Pillar 4)

Appointment of representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee

-       Document A75/38

Item 26 (Pillar 4)

Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations

-       Document A75/39

Item 24 (Pillar 4)

Discussion of agenda item 24 will be grouped as follows: (24.1, 24.2 & 24.3)

Audit and oversight matters

·       Item 24.1

Report of the External Auditor

-       Documents A75/35 and A75/56

·       Item 24.2

Report of the Internal Auditor

-       Documents A75/36 and A75/56

·       Item 24.3

External and internal audit recommendations: progress on implementation

-       Documents A75/37 and A75/56

Item 27 (Pillar 4)

Discussion of agenda item 27 will be grouped as follows: (27.1, 27.2, 27.3, & 27.4)

Updates and future reporting

·       Item 27.1

Availability, safety and quality of blood products

-       Documents A75/40 and A75/40 Add.1

·       Item 27.2

Human organ and tissue transplantation

-       Documents A75/41 and A75/41 Add.1

·       Item 27.3

Traditional medicine

-       Documents A75/42 and A75/42 Add.1

·       Item 27.4

Public health dimension of the world drug problem

-       Documents A75/43 and A75/43 Add.1

Item 28 (Pillar 4)

Matters for information

·       Item 28.1

Progress reports

-       Documents A75/44 and A75/44 Add.1

Pillar 1: One billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage

A.     Preparation for the high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on universal health coverage (resolution WHA72.4 (2019))

B.     Primary health care (resolution WHA72.2 (2019))

C.    Strengthening integrated people-centred health services (resolution WHA69.24 (2016))

D.    Improving access to assistive technology (resolution WHA71.8 (2018))

E.     Reproductive health: strategy to accelerate progress towards the attainment of international development goals and targets (resolution WHA57.12 (2004))

F.     Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16 (2011))

G.    Global vector control response: an integrated approach for the control of vector-borne diseases (resolution WHA70.16 (2017))

H.    WHO strategy on research for health (resolution WHA63.21 (2010))

Pillar 2: One billion more people better protected from health emergencies

I.       Smallpox eradication (resolution WHA60.1 (2007))

Pillar 4: More effective and efficient WHO providing better support to countries

J.      Strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into the work of WHO (resolution WHA60.25 (2007))

If time permits

Item 15 (Pillar 1) [Item transferred from Committee A]

Human resources for health

o   Working for Health: draft 2022–2030 action plan

-       Document A75/12

o   Global health and care worker compact

-       Document A75/13

o   WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel

-       Document A75/14

o   Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030

-       Documents A75/15, A75/A/CONF./3 and A75/A/CONF./3 Add.1

Friday, 27 May 2022

Seventh Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX


Item 8


-       Document A75/INF./3

Item 7

Executive Board: election

-       Document A75/63

Item 9 continued

Reports of the main committees

Draft second report of Committee A

Document (Draft) A75/60 containing two resolutions entitled:

-       Revision of the Programme budget 2022–2023

-       Extending the Thirteenth General Programme of Work, 2019–2023 to 2025

Tenth, eleventh and twelfth meetings of Committee A — Building E Room XX

Immediately after conclusion of Item 9 in Plenary, 14:30 and 18:00

Item 17 (Pillar 2)

Discussion of agenda item 17 will be grouped as follows: (17.1 & 17.2), (17.3)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 17.1

Influenza preparedness

-       Document A75/10 Rev.1

·       Item 17.2

Global Health for Peace Initiative

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1 and EB150/2022/REC/1, decision EB150(5)

·       Item 17.3


o   Poliomyelitis eradication

-       Document A75/23

o   Polio transition planning and polio post-certification

-       Documents A75/24 and A75/INF./7

Item 16 (Pillar 2) continued

Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

·       Item 16.2 continued

Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

-       Documents A75/18, A75/A/CONF./7 and A75/A/CONF./7 Add.1

Fifth and sixth meetings of Committee B — Building E Room XVII (overflow Room XXII)

Immediately after conclusion of Item 9 in Plenary and 14:30

Item 15 (Pillar 1) continued [Item transferred from Committee A]

Human resources for health

o   Working for Health: draft 2022–2030 action plan

-       Document A75/12

o   Global health and care worker compact

-       Document A75/13

o   WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel

-       Document A75/14

o   Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030

-       Documents A75/15, A75/A/CONF./3 and A75/A/CONF./3 Add.1

Item 18 (Pillar 3) [Item transferred from Committee A]

Discussion of agenda item 18 will be grouped as follows: (18.1 & 18.2)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 18.1

Maternal, infant and young child nutrition

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/10 Add.7 and EB150/2022/REC/1, decision EB150(7)

·       Item 18.2

WHO Implementation Framework for Billion 3

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/25, A75/A/CONF./1, A75/A/CONF./1 Add.1, A75/A/CONF./4 and A75/A/CONF./4 Add.1

o   WHO global strategy for food safety

-       Documents A75/10 Rev.1, and EB150/2022/REC/1, decisions EB150(8) and EB150(9)

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Thirteenth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX


Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports

Seventh meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII


Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports

Eighth Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX

Immediately after conclusion of Committees A and B

Item 9 continued

Reports of the main committees

Item 10

Closure of the Health Assembly

3. Report of meetings

Fifth meeting of Committee A

In the Chair:
Dr Hiroki Nakatani (Japan)

Dr Tamar Gabunia (Georgia)

The Chair opened the meeting and informed the Committee that with reference to item 16.3: WHO’s work in health emergencies, a white paper consolidating the two draft resolutions had been shared with Member States ahead of its anticipated discussion at the seventh meeting of the Committee.

Item 16 (Pillar 2) continued

Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

·       Item 16.2 continued

Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

·       Item 16.4

Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)

The Chair reopened the agenda item and drew the Committee’s attention to the relevant documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/18, A75/19, A75/20, A75/21, and A75/22 and invited the Committee to consider the draft resolutions contained in documents A75/A/CONF./7, A75/A/CONF./2 and A75/A/CONF./9. Comments were invited from the floor and the Secretariat responded to issues raised. The Chair then invited Dr Poonam Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia, to take the floor.

At the invitation of the Chair, the WHO Director-General Dr Tedros addressed the Committee.

The Committee noted the relevant sections of the report contained in document A75/10 Rev.1, and the reports contained in documents A75/19, A75/20, A75/21 and A75/22.

The Chair proposed that the discussion of the draft resolution contained in document A75/A/CONF./7 be deferred to a later meeting of the Committee, pending the outcome of informal consultations.

The Committee approved the draft resolutions as contained in documents A75/A/CONF./2 and A75/A/CONF.9.

Item 14 (Pillar 1) continued

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 14.1 continued

Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

The Chair reopened the first grouping of agenda subitems under item 14.1: A, D, F, J and drew the Committee’s attention to the relevant documents A75/10 Rev.1, A75/10 Add.2. A75/10 Add.5 and A75/10 Add.8. Comments were invited from the floor.

The Chair announced that, due to time constraints, delegations who had requested to speak will be given the floor at the beginning of the next session, when discussion of this item will resume.

The meeting was adjourned.

First meeting of Committee B

In the Chair:
Mr Rajesh Bhushan (India)

Item 19

Opening of the Committee

Mr Rajesh Bhushan (India) expressed his gratitude for his election as chairperson of the Committee and welcomed delegates and observers. In accordance with Rule 35 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly, the Committee elected Dr Firass Abiad (Lebanon) and Dr Osagie Ehanire (Nigeria) as Vice-Chairs and Dr Grzegorz Juszczyk (Poland) as Rapporteur. 

One delegation took the floor to request that the European Union be invited to attend and participate without vote in deliberations of the meetings, sub-committees, drafting groups or other subdivisions thereof, and addressing matters falling within the European Union competence in the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly.

Item 21 (Pillar 4)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

Financial matters

·       Item 21.1

Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2022–2023

·       Item 21.2

Scale of assessments 2022–2023

·       Item 21.3

Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution

The Chair opened the grouped agenda items and invited comments from the floor. The Secretariat responded to questions raised. The Committee noted the reports contained in documents A75/27, A75/28, A75/52, A75/55 and the relevant section of the consolidated report contained in document A75/10 Rev.1. The Committee then approved the draft resolution contained in document A75/28, as orally amended by the Chair and resolution EB150.R5 contained in document A75/10 Rev.1.

Governance matters

·       Item 21.4

Prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment

The Chair opened the agenda item and invited comments from the floor. The Secretariat responded to questions raised and the Committee noted the reports contained in documents A75/29 and A75/50.

·       Item 21.5

WHO reform

o   Written statements: guidelines for Member States

The Chair opened the agenda item and invited comments from the floor. One delegation requested an amendment to the draft decision EB149(3) contained in document EB149/2021/REC/1 and the Chair suspended the item for consideration at a subsequent meeting of Committee B.

·       Item 21.6

Global strategies and plans of action that are scheduled to expire within one year

o   Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property

The Chair opened the agenda item and invited comments from the floor. Due to time constraints, consideration of this item will resume at a subsequent meeting of Committee B.

The meeting was adjourned.

Sixth meeting of Committee A

In the Chair:
Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards (Trinidad and Tobago)

Dr Hiroki Nakatani (Japan)
Dr Tamar Gabunia (Georgia)

Item 14 (Pillar 1) continued

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 14.1 continued

Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

The Chair reopened the first grouping of agenda subitems under item 14.1: A, D, F, J and invited those delegations who has requested to speak at the previous meeting to take the floor.

The Chair then invited Dr Carissa Etienne, WHO Regional Director for the Americas, to take the floor. At the invitation of the Chair, WHO Deputy Director-General Dr Zsuzsanne Jakab, addressed the Committee.

The Committee noted the relevant section of the report contained in document A75/10 Rev. 1 and the annexes contained in documents A75/10 Add. 2, A75/10 Add.5 and A75/10 Add.8.

The first grouping of agenda subitems was closed and the meeting adjourned.

Second meeting of Committee B

In the Chair:
Mr Rajesh Bhushan (India)

Item 20

Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan

The Chair opened the item for discussion and invited the Committee to consider the draft decision contained in document A75/B/CONF./1 Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan.

In accordance with Rule 74 of the Rules of Procedure, a roll-call vote was taken. The Chair drew a letter in order to identify the first country to vote which was “V”. The vote resulted in 77 votes in favour to 14 votes against, with 36 abstentions and 56 Member States absent, as follows:

Votes in favour: Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Gabon, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.

Votes against: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia (Federated States of), Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

Abstentions: Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Iceland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malta, Montenegro, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine and Uruguay.

Absent: Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Palau, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu and Zambia.

Several delegates gave an explanation of vote under Rule 77 of the Rules of Procedure, and some delivered statements. The draft decision contained in document A75/B/CONF./1 was adopted and the item was closed. 

In accordance with Rule 57 of the Rules of Procedure, five delegates exercised the right of reply and the meeting was adjourned.

4. Strategic roundtables

The following strategic roundtables will take place during the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly and are open to all Assembly participants:

Thursday, 26 May 2022  Room XXVI


Towards a new architecture for health emergency preparedness, response and resilience: 10 proposals for a safer world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for a stronger and more inclusive health emergency preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR) architecture. The Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly will engage Member States and partners in discussion about a vision for Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience. To ensure a broad and inclusive consultation process, the draft of the Director-General’s proposals for strengthening HEPR was published and several consultations have since occurred. This strategic roundtable provides another forum to bring together different perspectives across the issues of equity, inclusivity of ownership of all countries and sectors, and coherence in the alignment of systems. 

Friday, 27 May 2022  Room XXVI


Behavioural sciences for better health.

This roundtable will focus on mainstreaming the use of behavioural sciences into public health to improve health outcomes, one of the Director-General’s strategic priorities.

WHO and Member States cannot achieve the ambitious goal of transforming global health and the health of more than 7 billion people without a clear understanding of people’s health-related behaviours. Behavioural sciences focus on understanding why specific behaviours and decision-making processes occur by investigating the drivers of and barriers that operate in a given context at the cognitive, social and environmental levels.

An initiative to mainstream and increase the use of behavioural sciences to complement a biomedical focus on public health challenges was launched by WHO Director-General at the end of the year 2019. WHA75 and this strategic roundtable provide the opportunity to share with the Member States WHO’s progress in this area; to continue raising the profile and awareness around this important field of work; and to hold strategic discussions on the way forward, specifically on how to better integrate behavioural sciences into the global health agenda through WHO’s work and that of Member States.

This strategic roundtable will be attended by the Ministers of Health from Malaysia, Qatar and Canada who will discuss their vision and concrete actions in this field and exchange ideas with experts from academia from the fields of behavioural economics and social sciences.

Video streaming

The strategic roundtable sessions will be webcast in the six UN languages. The webcasts can be viewed on Mac and PCs, as well as all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows-enabled phones.

Arabic:             https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=ar

Chinese:         https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=zh

English:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=en

French:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=fr

Russian:          https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=ru

Spanish:          https://player.4am.ch/who/20220524-28_TB/player.html?lang=es

5. Other meetings

The Secretariat has been advised that the following meetings will take place during the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly.

Thursday, 26 May 2022

08:00–08:50 Room XXIII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region.

08:00–08:50 Room XXIV

Meeting of heads of delegations of Member States of the Region of the Americas.

08:00–08:50 Room XXV

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.

08:00–08:50 Room XXVII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region.

08:15–08:45 Room XXVI

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region.

08:30–08:50 Room XXII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region.

11:00–12:00 Room XXV

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.

13:00–14:00 Room XXV

Coordination meeting of the European Union.

17:30–19:00 Room XXVII

Regional coordination meeting of the Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Friday, 27 May 2022

08:00–08:50 Room XXV

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.

08:00–08:50 Room XXVII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region.

08:15–08:45 Room XXVI

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region.

08:30–08:50 Room XXII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region.

13:00–14:00 Room XXV

Coordination meeting of the European Union.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

08:00–08:50 Room XXIII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region.

08:00–08:50 Room XXVII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region.

08:15–08:45 Room XXVI

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region.

08:30–08:50 Room XXII

Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region.

13:00–14:00 Room XXV

Coordination meeting of the European Union.

6. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings

Verbal statements

Member State delegations are asked to observe the time limit for verbal statements during the sessions: individual statements by Member States and Associate Members will be limited to three minutes (330 words), Regional and group statements will be limited to four minutes (440 words). Delegations providing group statements are discouraged from taking the floor subsequently to provide a national statement. In addition, delegations on whose behalf a group statement is provided, are discouraged from subsequently taking the floor except to provide any brief additional comments that were not covered by the group statement.

Statements by Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and other participating intergovernmental organizations will be limited to two minutes (220 words). Statements by non-State actors in official relations with the Organization will be limited to one minute and three minutes for constituency statements.

To ensure that statements are interpreted as clearly as possible, delegates are requested to submit a copy of their statements by email to interpret@who.int or to give a paper copy to the conference officers in the room at least 30 minutes in advance.

Written statements

Member States and Associate Members are invited to submit written statements for posting on the website in the language of submission in accordance with the guidelines for written statements in decision EB146(17).

Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and of other participating and intergovernmental organizations are also invited to submit written statements in accordance with those guidelines. Non-State actors are invited to submit written statements as per the practical information for representatives of non-State actors in official relations with WHO.

In accordance with the guidelines, statements may be provided in any of the six WHO official languages and should be limited to 500 words for individual statements and 800 words for group statements. They should be submitted to statements@who.int, (non-State actors are asked to copy nsastatements@who.int), clearly indicating the relevant agenda item or sub-item in the subject line.

Video statements

Member States, Associate Members, and non-State actors in official relations with WHO may submit a pre-recorded video statement in place of live interventions. The following time limits will apply: Member States and Associate Members - three minutes and Group statements - four minutes, non-State actors - one minute and three minutes for constituency statements. Videos received after the deadline, exceeding the time limits or labelled in such a way that the relevant agenda item or sub-item cannot be identified, may not be played. Video statements may be included in the live streaming and therefore will be included in the official records.

7.  Announcements


For IT support, please send an email to GBS-IT-Support@who.int.          

Video streaming

The Plenary sessions will be webcast in the six UN languages. The webcasts can be viewed on Mac and PCs, as well as all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows-enabled phones.

Arabic:            https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=ar

Chinese:         https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=zh

English:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=en

French:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=fr

Russian:          https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=ru

Spanish:         https://player.4am.ch/who/20220522-28_WHA75/player.html?lang=es


Documents for the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly can be accessed on the Internet through the WHO website (https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/).


The World Health Assembly application allows you to receive updates on the WHA75 programme of work and access documentation directly on your mobile device. Scan the QR code or search for “WHO Events” in the Apple or Google Stores on your phone.


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WHO Bookshop

Due to renovations and space limitations, it will not be possible to purchase WHO publications at the Palais des Nations. The WHO bookshop boutique, located next to the reception of the WHO Headquarters’ main building, will be open at the following times:

Monday, 23 to Friday, 27 May: 09:0017:00.

A 50% discount on WHO books is granted to delegates. WHO souvenirs are also available.


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