Preliminary Journal 5 May 2023
This preliminary journal is intended to give delegates, representatives and other participants advance indications of the Health Assembly’s tentative programme of work. Additional information can be found in the Guide for delegates to the World Health Assembly (document A76/DIV./2)
The Journal does not constitute an official record of the Health Assembly’s proceedings. The Journal is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on every working day during the Health Assembly.
Table of contents
1. Date and working hours
2. Tentative programme of work of the Health Assembly
3. Strategic Roundtables
4. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings
5. Announcements
6. Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in Plenary
1. Date and working hours
The Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly will open on Sunday, 21 May 2023 at 14:00. The working hours of the Health Assembly are from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 17:30 (CEST).
The Health Assembly will close no later than Tuesday, 30 May 2023, as decided by the Executive Board at its 152nd session.
Badge distribution
Delegates and other participants will be able to collect their badges from the Distribution Desk in the main lobby of WHO headquarters. The Distribution Desk will be open at the following times:
– Wednesday, 17 to Friday 19, May 2023 from 08:00 to 17:00.
– Wednesday, 17 May 2023 from 14:00 to 17:00
– Thursday, 18 to Saturday, 27 May and Monday, 29 May 2023 from 08:00 to 17:00
– Tuesday, 30 May 2023 from 08:00 until the closure of WHA76.
Delegates and other participants will be able to collect their badges from the Distribution Desks at the Palais des Nations and in the main lobby of WHO headquarters. The Distribution Desks will be open at the following times:
– Palais des Nations - Monday, 29 May 2023 from 14:00 to 17:00 and Tuesday, 30 May 2023 from 08:00 to 17:00
– WHO headquarters - Wednesday, 31 May to Thursday, 1 June 2023 from 08:00 until the closure of EB153.
2. Tentative programme of work of the Health Assembly
Sunday, 21 May 2023
High-level welcome
First Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
Item 1
Opening of the Health Assembly
Item 1.1
Appointment of the Committee on Credentials
Item 1.2
Election of the President of the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly
Item 1.3
Election of the five Vice-Presidents, the Chairs of the main committees, and establishment of the General Committee of the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly
General Committee[1] — Building E Room XXIII
Immediately after conclusion of Item 1.3 in Plenary
Examination and submission to the Health Assembly of recommendations on such questions as:
– Adoption of the provisional agenda as proposed by the Executive Board
– Addition of supplementary items, if any, to the provisional agenda
– Initial allocation to the main committees of items of the agenda
– Deferment of any item to a future Health Assembly
– Programme of work of the Health Assembly
Monday, 22 May 2023
Second Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
– Presidential address
Item 1 continued
Opening of the Health Assembly
Item 1.4
Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees
– Document A76/1 Rev.1
Item 2
Report of the Executive Board on its 151st and 152nd sessions, and on its Sixth special session
– Document A76/2
Item 3
Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General
– General discussion
First meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Upon commencement of the General discussion
Item 10
Opening of the Committee[2]
Item 12 (Pillar 1)
Global strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030)
– Document A76/5
Item 13 (Pillar 1)
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.1 & 13.2)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 13.1
Universal health coverage
o Reorienting health systems to primary health care as a resilient foundation for universal health coverage and preparations for a high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on universal health coverage
- Documents A76/6, A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decisions EB152(3), EB152(4), EB152(5) and EB152(6)
· Item 13.2
Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, and mental health
o Draft updated menu of policy options and cost-effective interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1, A76/7 Add.1 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(11)
Committee on Credentials — Building E Room XXIII
Third Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
Item 3 continued
– General discussion
Second meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 11 (Pillar 4)
Proposed programme budget 2024–2025
– Documents A76/4, A76/4 Add.1 and A76/4 Add.2
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Fourth Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
– Report of the Committee on Credentials
Item 5
Admission of new Members and Associate Members [if any]
Item 3 continued
– General discussion
Third meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Upon commencement of the General discussion
Item 15 (Pillar 2)
of agenda items 14 and 15 will be grouped as follows: (15.2: Document A76/11, 15.1: Document A76/10, 14.1 & 14.2)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 15.2
WHO’s work in health emergencies
- Document A76/11
· Item 15.1
Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies
o Strengthening the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, response and resilience
- Document A76/10
Item 14 (Pillar 2)
of agenda items 14 and 15 will be grouped as follows: (15.2: Document A76/11, 15.1: Document A76/10, 14.1 & 14.2)
Public health emergencies: preparedness and response
· Item 14.1
The Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme
- Document A76/8
· Item 14.2
Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)
- Document A76/9 Rev.1
Fifth Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
Item 3 continued
– General discussion
Fourth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 15 (Pillar 2) continued
of agenda item 15 will be grouped as follows: (15.2, 15.1: Document A76/7 Rev.1,
& 15.3)
· Item 15.2 continued
WHO’s work in health emergencies
o Implementation of resolution WHA75.11 (2022)
- Document A76/12
· Item 15.1 continued
Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies
o Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 15.3
Global Health for Peace Initiative
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and A76/7 Add.3
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Fifth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 13 (Pillar 1) continued
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.3, 13.4 & 13.5)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 13.3
Substandard and falsified medical products
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(9)
· Item 13.4
Strengthening rehabilitation in health systems
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(10)
· Item 13.5
Draft global strategy on infection prevention and control
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(7)
First meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Item 17
Opening of the Committee3
Item 19 (Pillar 4)
Discussion of agenda item 19 will be grouped as follows: (19.1 & 19.2), (19.3, 19.4 & 19.5)
Budget and finance matters
· Item 19.1
Results Report 2022 (Programme budget 2022–2023: performance assessment) and Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022
- Documents A76/16, A76/17, A76/INF./2 and A76/INF./3
· Item 19.2
Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2022–2023 and outlook on financing of the Programme budget 2024–2025
- Documents A76/18 and A76/19
· Item 19.3
Scale of assessments 2024–2025
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, resolution EB152.R3
· Item 19.4
Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1, A76/20 and EB152/2023/REC/1, resolution EB152.R4
· Item 19.5
Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution
- Document A76/21
· Item 19.6
Special arrangements for settlement of arrears [if any]
· Item 19.7
Assessment of new Members and Associate Members [if any]
Sixth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 13 (Pillar 1) continued
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 13.3 continued
Substandard and falsified medical products
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(9)
· Item 13.4 continued
Strengthening rehabilitation in health systems
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(10)
· Item 13.5 continued
Draft global strategy on infection prevention and control
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(7)
Second meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Item 18
Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan
– Document A76/15
General Committee — Building E Room XXIII
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Seventh meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 15 (Pillar 2) continued
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 15.4
Discussion of bullet points under agenda item 15.4 will be grouped together as follows:
o Poliomyelitis eradication
- Document A76/13
o Polio transition planning and polio post-certification
- Document A76/14
Third and fourth meetings of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
09:00 and 14:30
Item 20 (Pillar 4)
Discussion of agenda item 20 will be grouped as follows: (20.1, 20.2 & 20.3)
Audit and oversight matters
· Item 20.1
Report of the External Auditor
- Document A76/22
· Item 20.2
Report of the Internal Auditor
- Document A76/23
· Item 20.3
External and internal audit recommendations: progress on implementation
- Document A76/24
Item 21 (Pillar 4)
Discussion of agenda item 21 will be grouped as follows: (21.1, 21.2, 21.3 & 21.4), (21.5 & 21.6)
Staffing matters
· Item 21.1
Human resources
- Documents A76/26 and EB152/2023/REC/1, resolution EB152.R5
· Item 21.2
Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, resolutions EB152.R6 and EB152.R7
· Item 21.3
Report of the International Civil Service Commission
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and A76/27
· Item 21.4
Reform of the global internship programme
- Document A76/28
· Item 21.5
Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
- Document A76/29
· Item 21.6
Appointment of representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee
- Document A76/30
Eighth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Item 13 (Pillar 1) continued
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.6 & 13.7)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 13.6
Global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 13.7
Standardization of medical devices nomenclature
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
Friday, 26 May 2023
Sixth Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
Item 7
– Document A76/INF./1
Item 6
Executive Board: election
Item 8
Reports of the main committees
Ninth and tenth meetings of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in Plenary and 14:30
Item 16 (Pillar 3)
of agenda item 16 will be grouped as follows: (16.1, 16.2, 16.3 & 16.5)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 16.1
Well-being and health promotion
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and A76/7 Add.2
· Item 16.2
Ending violence against children through health systems strengthening and multisectoral approaches
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 16.3
Social determinants of health
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(12)
· Item 16.5
United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016−2025)
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(13)
Fifth and sixth meetings of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in Plenary and 14:30
Item 22 (Pillar 4)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 22.1
Prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 22.2
Discussion of bullet points under agenda item 22.2 will be grouped together as follows:
Matters emanating from the Working Group on Sustainable Financing:
o Report of the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(15)
o Secretariat implementation plan on reform
- Documents A76/31 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(16)
o Sustainable financing: feasibility of a replenishment mechanism, including options for consideration
- Document A76/32
· Item 22.3
Discussion of bullet points under agenda item 22.3 will be grouped together as follows:
Global strategies and plans of action that are scheduled to expire within one year
o WHO global action plan on promoting the health of refugees and migrants, 2019–2023
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(17)
o WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014–2023
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(18)
Saturday, 27 May 2023
Eleventh and twelfth meetings of Committee A — Building E Room XX
09:00 and 14:30
Item 16 (Pillar 3)
of agenda item 16 will be grouped as follows: (16.1, 16.2, 16.3 & 16.5)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 16.1 continued
Well-being and health promotion
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and A76/7 Add.2
· Item 16.2 continued
Ending violence against children through health systems strengthening and multisectoral approaches
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 16.3 continued
Social determinants of health
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(12)
· Item 16.5 continued
United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016−2025)
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(13)
Seventh and eighth meetings of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
09:00 and 14:30
Item 23 (Pillar 4)
Discussion of agenda item 23 will be grouped as follows:
Update on the Infrastructure Fund
o Geneva buildings renovation strategy
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
o Update on information management and technology
- Document A76/33
Item 24 (Pillar 4)
Discussion of agenda item 24 will be grouped as follows:
Participation of Member States in WHO meetings
o Voluntary Health Trust Fund for small island developing States (terms of reference)
- Document A76/34
o Current practices for funding participation of Member States in WHO meetings
- Document A76/35
Item 25 (Pillar 4)
Agreements with intergovernmental organizations [if any]
Monday, 29 May 2023
Thirteenth and fourteenth meetings of Committee A — Building E Room XX
09:00 and 14:30
Item 16 (Pillar 3)
of agenda item 16 will be grouped as follows: (16.4 & 16.6)
Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
· Item 16.4
The highest attainable standard of health for persons with disabilities
- Document A76/7 Rev.1
· Item 16.6
Behavioural sciences for better health
- Documents A76/7 Rev.1 and EB152/2023/REC/1, decision EB152(23)
Ninth meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Item 20 (Pillar 4)
Audit and oversight matters
· Item 20.4
Appointment of the External Auditor
- Document A76/25
Item 26 (Pillar 4)
Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations
– Document A76/36
Tenth meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Item 27 (Pillar 4)
Matters for information
· Item 27.1
Progress reports
- Documents A76/37 and A76/37 Add.1
Discussion of agenda item 27.1 will be grouped as follows: (A, B, C, D & E), (F & G), (H, I, J, K, L, M & N), (O & P)
Pillar 1: One billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage
A. Strengthening local production of medicines and other health technologies to improve access (resolution WHA74.6 (2021))
B. Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution WHA69.11 (2016) and decision WHA70(22) (2017))
C. Global action on patient safety (resolution WHA72.6 (2019) and decision WHA74(13) (2021))
D. Antimicrobial resistance (resolution WHA72.5 (2019))
E. Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16 (2011))
Pillar 2: One billion more people better protected from health emergencies
F. The World Together: Establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating body to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (decision SSA2(5) (2021))
G. Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks (resolution WHA60.1 (2007))
Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being
H. The role of the health sector in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond (decision WHA74(25) (2021))
I. WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change: the transformation needed to improve lives and well-being sustainably through healthy environments (decision WHA74(24) (2021))
J. Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020–2030 (decision WHA73(12) (2020))
K. Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities (resolution WHA72.7 (2019))
L. Prevention of deafness and hearing loss (resolution WHA70.13 (2017) and decision WHA74(17) (2021)) Strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into the work of WHO (resolution WHA60.25 (2007))
M. Plan of action on climate change and health in small island developing States (decision WHA72(10) (2019)) and paragraph 29 of document A72/16
N. Global action plan on the public health response to dementia (decision WHA70(17) (2017))
Pillar 4: More effective and efficient WHO providing better support to countries
O. Global strategy on digital health (decision WHA73(28) (2020))
P. Eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (resolution WHA72.15 (2019))
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Fifteenth meeting of Committee A — Building E Room XX
Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports
Eleventh meeting of Committee B — Building E Room XVII
Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports
Seventh Plenary meeting — Building E Room XIX
Immediately after conclusion of Committees A and B
Item 8 continued
Reports of the main committees
Item 9
Closure of the Health Assembly
3. Strategic Roundtables
The following strategic roundtables will take place in Room XVIII during the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly:
Monday, 22 May 2023
The World Together: Member State-led processes to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
This roundtable will focus on the Member State-led processes to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the loss of human life, disruption to households and societies at large, and impact on economies and development. To protect the world from future pandemics, Member States are engaged in processes to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, with a focus on closing existing gaps and building on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other disease outbreaks
This strategic roundtable will, for the first time, bring together the three key Member State-led processes: the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement, or international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response; the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (WGIHR); and the high-level meeting of Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response by the United Nations General Assembly.
The co-chairs and co-facilitators of the three country-led processes will discuss on-going work and the complementarity of their mandates. They will address next steps and the role of Member States in facilitating a positive outcome. The speakers, representatives of Member States, other stakeholders, and the WHO Secretariat, will reflect on the significance of the processes, its potential impact and importance for every single person, as well as for countries, regions and globally.
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Protecting and investing in the health and care workforce: an action-oriented agenda for the second half of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This roundtable builds on the Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, held in April 2023, and on WHA resolutions WHA75.17, WHA74.14, and WHA74.15. It provides an action-oriented agenda to protect and invest in the health and care workforce for the second half of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In the first half of the SDGs, the world experienced major disruptions due to COVID-19, other public health emergencies of international concern, protracted conflicts and a global increase in climate-related and humanitarian disasters. Health and care workers have remained at the forefront of local and national responses. In the early part of the pandemic, many became infected, and thousands lost their lives. The prevalence of anxiety, stress and burnout among health and care workers is alarming.
This situation adds to long-standing systemic challenges. The global health care workforce is declining significantly: from 18 million in 2013 to 15 million in 2020 and is projected at 10 million by 2030. This masks profound regional disparities. The situation calls for collective action, in support of SDG progress.
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
The role of the Health Community in Climate Action: taking stock and moving forward.
Climate change is the greatest health challenge of the 21st century. It brings deadly extreme heat and wildfires, increases non-communicable diseases and facilitates the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, driving health emergencies. It impacts our health workforce and infrastructure and reduces the ability to provide universal health coverage (UHC). Climate shocks and growing stresses such as droughts and rising sea levels undermine the environmental and social determinants of physical and mental health, from clean air and water to sustainable food systems, to livelihoods – threatening the existence of some nations. Delay will damage decades of improvements in global health and put at risk our commitments to ensure the human right to health for all.
This roundtable will discuss the role of the health community – including frontline health workers, Ministries of Health, intergovernmental and non-governmental health organizations and health academics in addressing the climate crisis. It will identify opportunities (including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP28, the United Nations Secretary-General Climate Ambition Summit 2023, and the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly) to firmly place the health community and WHO as key actors in addressing the climate crisis, and to drive action.
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Ending tuberculosis by 2030: universal access to care, multisectoral collaboration, and innovations to accelerate progress and combat antimicrobial resistance.
This roundtable will focus on the challenges and opportunities to end tuberculosis (TB) by 2030, by building on equitable universal access to TB prevention and care, and in alignment with the agendas of universal health coverage, antimicrobial resistance, and pandemic preparedness.
TB remains among the world's top infectious killers. In 2021, 1.6 million people lost their lives to TB. In 2018, world leaders at the United Nations (UN) high-level meeting on TB adopted a historic resolution A/RES/73/3, with ambitious targets. The declaration catalyzed progress towards ending TB, saving lives. However, disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with other ongoing global crises have reversed years of progress.
Getting back on track requires increased and sustained funding for universal access to TB services. TB services must be delivered free of stigma and discrimination; tackle antimicrobial resistance, advance multisectoral actions to address the drivers of the epidemic; and better tools including vaccines and innovative strategies. The second UN high-level Meeting on TB in September can provide the political incentive to turn the tide in the fight against TB.
In this roundtable, WHO will present the Flagship Initiative for 2023-2027, featuring new targets and a focus on enabling universal access to services and advancing research including through the TB Vaccine Accelerator Council. Ministers and other leaders, TB survivors, civil society, donors and partners will share experiences of leadership, innovation and action towards ending TB.
Friday, 26 May 2023
A safer and healthier tomorrow through restoring essential immunization today.
Between 2019–2022, 67 million children missed at least one dose of essential vaccines. This crisis in routine immunization is borne from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Many children need the protection of lifesaving vaccines. We must enable all opportunities to vaccinate these children. 2023 marks a critical point: the actions and recovery of the essential immunization programme today will determine whether the 2030 immunization goals will be achieved.
Many countries have already made remarkable progress towards immunization recovery. This roundtable will examine the factors that drive this success. Special attention will be given to the role of community health workers in achieving global immunization targets. We will discuss best practices in engaging communities in immunization programmes and how to strengthen health systems from the bottom up. We will hear from healthcare workers, ministers and representatives of government, multi-lateral organizations, and civil society about what each stakeholder needs to do to reach all children and adolescents in support of #HealthForAll.
Saturday, 27 May 2023
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: a fit-for-purpose life-saving treaty.
As part of WHO's 75th anniversary, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of the key milestones in the history of WHO: the adoption of the first international public health treaty. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), an evidence-based instrument, provides new legal dimensions for international cooperation. This roundtable will call for Member States to set up implementation of the WHO FCTC measures and in particular support increased tobacco taxes towards public revenues which can be reinvested in public health.
The strategic roundtable will also provide lessons to inform ongoing negotiations for a WHO convention, agreement or other international instruments on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response following the COVID-19 pandemic.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the WHO FCTC by the Fifty-sixth World Health Assembly, Parties to the Treaty and other key players will join to celebrate the successes in tobacco control enabled by the WHO FCTC.
This roundtable will be concluded by an award ceremony for the 2023 World No Tobacco Day Director-General's Special Recognition Award.
4. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings
Plenary: theme of general discussion: “WHO at 75: Saving lives, driving health for all”.
Member States, Associate Members, Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and of other participating intergovernmental organizations will be provided with the opportunity to take the floor under agenda item 3 Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General.
Resolution WHA52.21 (1999) on reform of the Health Assembly requested the Director-General to make appropriate arrangements for a shortened plenary meeting and, to this end, encouraged group or regional statements in plenary debate.
Member States can inscribe on the list of speakers for the general debate through this link. Copies of statements to be made in the general discussion should be submitted to the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of the Health Assembly, by email (, or handed in to room E-3025B, or in room XIX, where the plenary meetings are held, by the morning of Sunday, 21 May 2023. When submitting by email, please specify in the “Subject” and at the top of the statement, the name of the country and the meeting: “General Discussion”.
Verbal statements
Member State delegations are asked
to observe the time limit for verbal statements during the sessions.
individual statements by Member States
and Associate Members
limited to
three minutes
(330 words),
and group statements will be limited to
four minutes
(440 words).
Committees A & B:
statements by Member States and Associate Members will be limited to
minutes (330 words), Regional and group
statements will be limited to
minutes (550 words).
Delegations providing group statements are discouraged from taking the floor subsequently to provide a national statement. In addition, delegations on whose behalf a group statement is provided, are discouraged from subsequently taking the floor except to provide any brief additional comments that were not covered by the group statement.
Statements by Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and other participating intergovernmental organizations will be limited to two minutes (220 words). Statements by non-State actors in official relations with the Organization will be limited to one minute and three minutes for constituency statements.
To ensure that statements are interpreted as clearly as possible, delegates are requested to submit a copy of their statements at least 30 minutes in advance by email to
Written statements
Member States and Associate Members are invited to submit written statements for posting on the website in the language of submission in accordance with the guidelines for written statements in decision EB149(3). Delegates wishing to have their statements posted on the Health Assembly webpage or to share a longer statement containing additional information may send it to
Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and of other participating and intergovernmental organizations are also invited to submit written statements in accordance with those guidelines. Non-State actors are invited to submit written statements as per the practical information for representatives of non-State actors in official relations with WHO.
In accordance with the guidelines, statements may be provided in any of the six WHO official languages and should be limited to 500 words for individual statements and 800 words for group statements. They should be submitted to, (non-State actors are asked to copy, clearly indicating the relevant agenda item or sub-item in the subject line.
Interpretation will be provided in the official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) to help delegates to follow the discussions. Delegates are requested to speak clearly and at a normal speaking pace to enable clear and accurate interpretation. Copies of all statements should be submitted at least one hour in advance by email to Clearly indicate the name of the country delegation/group in the subject line of the email.
Note: a statement of three minutes at normal speaking pace is equivalent to approximately 330 words.
5. Announcements
For IT support, please send an email to
Video streaming
The Plenary sessions will be webcast in the six UN languages. The webcasts can be viewed on Mac and PCs, as well as all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows-enabled phones.
The World Health Assembly application allows you to receive updates on the WHA76 programme of work and access documentation directly on your mobile device. Search for “WHO Events” in the Apple or Google Stores.
Documents for the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly can be accessed on the Internet through the WHO website ( or scan the QR code below:
WHO information products and souvenirs on sale
The WHO bookshop is located at the Palais des Nations on level 2 of the E building, at door 40, during the World Health Assembly. The latest publications and information products issued by WHO and its regional offices are available at a 50% discount. WHO souvenirs are also on sale, including items from a special collection of souvenirs to mark the 75th anniversary of the Organization. The WHO bookshop is open from Monday to Friday and from 09:00 to 16:30 at the Palais des Nations (during the Assembly) and at WHO Headquarters.
6. Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in Plenary
Delegates can view the speaker’s list at any given time:
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[1] Rules 29 and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly define membership of and attendance at the General Committee. Web link:
3 Including election of Vice-Chairs and Rapporteur