Analysing the situation

Being informed and prepared about the national and local context in which you’re working can make all the difference to the eventual success of the programme.
That means understanding disease prevalence, distribution and impact of programmes, gaps, opportunities, and resources. It includes the extent of water and sanitation access, the policy environment, and cultural practices and beliefs. This information should include both quantitative and qualitative data that accurately represents the local context of the programme target area.

This section will guide you through the steps to develop a situation analysis, which you can use to identify opportunities and challenges for planning. A useful situation analysis should:

  • Include all relevant stakeholders to cultivate collaboration and ownership;
  • Obtain up-to-date information in addition to what is already available in official or published documents;
  • Provide explanations as to the reasons for the situation;
  • Offer possible entry points for addressing the situation.

Conducting and using a situation analysis

Use the situation analysis protocol tool to guide you through this process.

  • 1 . Identify the analysis team

    This is a recommended core group inside the overall situation analysis team. The team should include members within NTDs, WASH, social and behavior change communication, current programme and coordination structures, public health/epidemiology, etc.
    You may want to use the template terms of reference for the Situation Analysis team included within the situation analysis protocol tool.

  • 2 . Identify and formally involve key stakeholders

    This should include identifying potential partner organisations, government agencies and community stakeholders, as well as coordination structures and first steps around joint planning, including both timelines and structures.
    Use the WASH NTDs partner form.

  • 3 . Collect information

    This should cover disease distribution, services (WASH, health, education), existing programmes, governance and coordination, financial resources, human resources, the policy environment, and other important information.

  • 4 . Analyse

    Analyse the information gathered to inform the planning and coordination process, identifying challenges and opportunities.

  • 5 . Recommend

    Provide clear evidence supported next steps and actions, including information on who might coordinate and implement the various activities, and how everyone will be engaged in joint planning.

  • 6 . Report

    Compile all findings in one report, including an Executive Summary outlining key findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Communicating the findings

The situation analysis executive summary template and situation analysis presentation template can be used to present the findings.

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