WHO Collaborating Centres
Global database
Version 1.5
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ReferenceInstitution nameCityCountryRegionTitleWHO responsible officerStatus 
COL-16Universidad Industrial de SantanderBucaramangaCOLOMBIAAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion and Sexual and Reproductive HealthCAMPOS ESTEBAN Maria PilarPendingDetails
CHI-18Universidad de ChileSantiagoCHILEAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for Development of MidwiferyDE MUCIO BremenActiveDetails
USA-351University of North CarolinaChapel HillUSAAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for Research Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive HealthTHATTE NanditaActiveDetails
USA-438Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)AtlantaUSAAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for Sexually Transmitted Infections PreventionWI Teodora ElviraActiveDetails