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353 records for 312 trials found for: 0 (What is this?) 
Trials are sometimes recorded in more than one registry. These records can refer to each other using the 'Secondary ID' field. The search portal uses these Secondary IDs to group records about the same trial together in the search results.
Each group of records referring to a trial is displayed in table that is seen by pressing the + symbol. The record with the earliest date of registration is always shown first.
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Recruitment statusProspective RegistrationMain ID Public TitleDate of RegistrationResults available
Recruiting Yes NCT06337942
Deceased Donor Bladder or Combined Kidney-bladder Transplantation: a Phase 0 First-in-human Study
Not Recruiting No ISRCTN12950625
PROTECTIVE-D: imPROving the effecTivenEss of vaccinaTion wIth positive mood and Vitamin D
Not Recruiting Yes JPRN-jRCT2031230588
Phase 1b/2 Study of DS-7011a in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Recruiting Yes NCT06271265
Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of EXPAREL for Postoperative Analgesia in Subjects Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Not Recruiting Yes IRCT20230928059543N1
Comparison of two wound closure methods after knee joint replacement in diabetic patients
Not Recruiting Yes CTRI/2024/01/061423
A study to assess safety and immunogenicity of Biological E’s Covid-19 vaccine in 5-80 year old people.
Recruiting Yes NCT06194578
A Study of Sterile Saline Infusion in Healthy Volunteers
Recruiting Yes CTRI/2023/11/059689
A Study of Ustekinumab in Indian Participants with Crohn’s Disease
Recruiting Yes NCT06080906
Phase II Clinical Trial of the Inactivated Rotavirus Vaccine
Not Recruiting No ChiCTR2300075642
Postoperative recovery quality in patients with SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron variant) infection at different surgical timing: a clinical study
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