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Journal No. 2   25 May 2021

This preliminary journal is intended to give delegates, representatives and other participants advance indications of the Health Assembly’s programme of work. Additional information can be found in the Guide for delegates to the World Health Assembly (document A74/DIV./2)

The Journal does not constitute an official record of the Health Assembly’s proceedings. The Journal is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on every working day during the Health Assembly.

N° 2 Programme of meetings for Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Virtual Room 1

Committee A
Virtual Room 2

Virtual Room 3


Third Plenary meeting

Second meeting





Committee on Credentials


Fourth Plenary meeting

Third meeting


Table of contents

1. Date and working hours

2. Programme of work of the Health Assembly

3. Report of meetings

4. Strategic briefings

5. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings

6. Announcements

7. Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in Plenary


Interpretation will be provided in the official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) to help delegates to follow the discussions. Delegates are requested to speak clearly and at a normal speaking pace to enable clear and accurate interpretation through the virtual platform. Copies of all statements should be submitted at least one hour in advance by email to interpret@who.int.  Clearly indicate the name of the country delegation/group in the subject line of the email.     

Note: a statement of three minutes at normal speaking pace is equivalent to approximately 330 words.

1.  Date and working hours

The working hours of the Seventy-fourth Health Assembly are from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 (CEST).

The Health Assembly will close no later than Tuesday, 1 June 2021, as decided by the Executive Board at its 148th session.

2. Programme of work of the Health Assembly

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Third and fourth Plenary meetings

10:00 and 14:00

Item 3 continued

–  General discussion

Second and third meetings of Committee A

10:00 and 14:00

Items 17 and 18 (Pillar 2)
Discussion of agenda items 17 and 18 will be grouped as follows:

Public health emergencies: preparedness and response
Mental health preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic

·         Technical update and update on the COVID-19 Response (documents A74/9 and A74/15)

·         Update by the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response co-Chairs as well as by the Chairs of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme and the Review Committee on the functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) during the COVID-19 response (documents A74/INF./2, A74/16, A74/9 Add.1), as well as Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) (documents A74/17 and A74/17 Add.1)

·         WHO’s work in health emergencies and strengthening preparedness for health emergencies and Mental health preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, (documents A74/9, A74/10 Rev.1, A74/A/CONF./2, A74/A/CONF./7 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(3))

Committee on Credentials


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Fifth Plenary meeting


–  Report of the Committee on Credentials

Item 5

Admission of new Associate Members [if any]

–  Documents A74/4 and A74/INF./5

Fourth and fifth meetings of Committee A

Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in Plenary and 14:00

Item 13 continued (Pillar 1)
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.2, 13.3 & 13.9), (13.1, 13.5 & 13.8), (13.4, 13.6 & 13.7)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 13.2 continued

Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

–  Documents A74/10 Rev.1, A74/10 Add.1, A74/10 Add.2, A74/10 Add.3, A74/A/CONF./4, A74/A/CONF./4 Add.1, A74/A/CONF./5, A74/A/CONF./5 Add.1 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decisions EB148(6) and EB148(7)

Oral health

–  Documents A74/10 Rev.1 and EB148/2021/REC/1, resolution EB148.R1

·       Item 13.3 continued

Expanding access to effective treatments for cancer and rare and orphan diseases, including medicines, vaccines, medical devices, diagnostics, assistive products, cell- and gene-based therapies and other health technologies; and improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 13.9 continued

Integrated people-centred eye care, including preventable vision impairment and blindness

–  Documents A74/9, A74/9 Add.3 and A74/9 Add.5

·       Item 13.1

Global action on patient safety

–  Documents A74/10 Rev.1, A74/10 Rev.1 Add.1, A74/10 Add.4 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(5)

·       Item 13.5

Antimicrobial resistance

–  Document A74/10 Rev.1

·       Item 13.8

Immunization Agenda 2030

–  Documents A74/9 and A74/9 Add.4

First and second meetings of Committee B

Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in Plenary and 14:00

Item 24

Opening of the Committee[1]


Item 26 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of agenda item 26 will be grouped as follows: 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board
Managerial, administrative and governance matters

·       Item 26.1

Update on the Infrastructure Fund

o   Update on information management and technology

–  Documents A74/9, A74/23 and A74/52

o   Geneva buildings renovation strategy

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 26.2

WHO transformation

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 26.3

WHO reform

o   WHO reform: governance

–  Documents A74/9, A74/INF./3 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(9)

o   WHO reform: World health days

–  Documents A74/9, A74/9 Add.2 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(10)

o   Review of entitlements of members of the Executive Board

–  Documents A74/9 and EB147/2020/REC/1, decision EB147(11)

o   WHO reform: involvement of non-State actors in WHO’s governing bodies

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 26.4 (discussion of agenda item 26.4 will include Progress report F under item 34.1)

Global strategies and plans of action that are scheduled to expire within one year

o   WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021: better health for all people with disability

–  Documents A74/9 and EB148/2021/REC/1, resolution EB148.R6

o   The global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, for the period 2016–2021

–  Documents A74/9 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(13)

o   Recommitting to accelerate progress towards malaria elimination

–  Documents A74/9 and A74/B/CONF./2

Staffing matters

·       Item 26.6

Human resources: annual report

–  Documents A74/25 and A74/53

·       Item 26.7

Report of the International Civil Service Commission

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 26.8

Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules

–  Documents A74/9 and EB148/2021/REC/1, resolution EB148.R4

Item 25


Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan

–  Documents A74/22, A74/22 Add.1, A74/B/CONF./3 and A74/B/CONF./3 Add 1

General Committee


Thursday, 27 May 2021

Sixth and seventh meetings of Committee A

10:00 and 14:00

Item 11 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of agenda items 11 and 12 will be grouped)

Proposed programme budget 2022–2023

–  Documents A74/5 Rev.1, A74/5 Add.1, A74/9 and A74/46

o   Sustainable financing

–  Documents A74/6 and A74/46

Item 12 (Pillar 4)

WHO results framework: an update

–  Documents A74/7, A74/8 and A74/47

Item 13 continued (Pillar 1)
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.2, 13.3 & 13.9), (13.1, 13.5 & 13.8), (13.4, 13.6 & 13.7)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 13.4

Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property

–  Documents A74/9, A74/A/CONF./1 and A74/A/CONF./1 Add.1

·       Item 13.6

Substandard and falsified medical products

–  Document A74/9

·       Item 13.7

Standardization of medical devices nomenclature

–  Document A74/9

Third and fourth meetings of Committee B

10:00 and 14:00

Item 26 (Pillar 4)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board continued
Managerial, administrative and governance matters

·       Item 26.5

Process for the election of the Director-General of the World Health Organization

–  Documents A74/24, A74/24 Add.1, A74/24 Add.2, A74/54 and EB148/2021/REC/1, decision EB148(11)

Item 27 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of agenda items 27 and 28 will be grouped)

Appointment of representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee

–  Document A74/26

Item 28 (Pillar 4)

Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board

–  Document A74/27

Friday, 28 May 2021

Sixth Plenary meeting


Item 6

Executive Board: election

Item 7


–  Document A74/INF./1

Item 8

Reports of the main committees

Eighth and ninth meetings of Committee A

Immediately after conclusion of Item 7 in Plenary and 14:00

Item 14 (Pillar 1) (Discussion of agenda items 14, 15, and 16 will be grouped)

Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

–  Document A74/11

Item 15 (Pillar 1)

Health workforce

o   Working for health: five-year action plan for health employment and inclusive economic growth (2017–2021)

–  Document A74/12

o   Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery

–  Document A74/13

Item 16 (Pillar 1)

Committing to implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016−2030)

–  Document A74/14

Fifth and sixth meetings of Committee B

Immediately after conclusion of Item 7 in Plenary and 14:00

Item 29 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of agenda items 29.1, 29.2, 29.4 and 29.6 will be grouped)

Financial matters

·       Item 29.1

WHO programme and financial reports for 2020–2021, including audited financial statements for 2020

  Documents A74/28, A74/29, A74/47 and A74/INF./4

·       Item 29.2

Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution

 Documents A74/31 and A74/48

·       Item 29.4

Scale of assessments 2022–2023

 Documents A74/32 and A74/49

·       Item 29.6

Assessment of new Members and Associate Members

 Documents A74/33 and A74/50

Item 30 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of agenda items 30.1, 30.2 and 30.3 will be grouped)

Audit and oversight matters

·       Item 30.1

Report of the External Auditor

–  Documents A74/34 and A74/51

·       Item 30.2

Report of the Internal Auditor

–  Documents A74/35 and A74/51

·       Item 30.3

External and internal audit recommendations: progress on implementation

–  Documents A74/37 and A74/51

To be followed by a discussion on document A74/36 preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment

·       Item 30.2 continued

Report of the Internal Auditor

–  Documents A74/36

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Tenth and eleventh meetings of Committee A

10:00 and 14:00

Item 19 (Pillar 2) (Discussion of agenda items 19, 20 and 21 will be grouped)

The public health implications of implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

–  Document A74/9

Item 20 (Pillar 2)

Enhancement of laboratory biosafety

–  Document A74/18

Item 21 (Pillar 2)


o   Polio eradication

–  Document A74/19

o   Polio transition planning and polio post-certification

–  Document A74/20

Seventh and eighth meetings of Committee B

10:00 and 14:00

Item 31 (Pillar 4)

Management and legal matters

·       Item 31.2

Agreements with intergovernmental organizations

–  Document A74/44

Item 32 (Pillar 4)

Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations

–  Document A74/38

Item 33 (Pillar 4) (Discussion of all bullet points will be grouped)

Updates and future reporting

o   Emergency care system for universal health coverage: ensuring timely care for the acutely ill and injured

–  Document A74/39

o   Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

–  Document A74/40

o   WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change: the transformation needed to improve lives and well-being sustainably through healthy environments

–  Document A74/41

o   The role of the health sector in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond

–  Document A74/42

Monday, 31 May 2021

Twelfth and thirteenth meetings of Committee A

10:00 and 14:00

Item 22 (Pillar 3) (Discussion of agenda items 22 and 23 will be grouped)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

·       Item 22.1

Social determinants of health

–  Documents A74/9 and EB148/2021/REC/1, resolution EB148.R2

Item 23 (Pillar 3)

WHO global plan of action to strengthen the role of the health system within a national multisectoral response to address interpersonal violence, in particular against women and girls, and against children

–  Document A74/21

Ninth and tenth meetings of Committee B

10:00 and 14:00

Item 34 (Pillar 4)

Matters for information

Regarding progress reports – delegations will be invited to post written statements on the website.

·       Item 34.1

Progress reports

–  Document A74/43

Pillar 1: One billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage

A.     Sustainable health financing structures and universal coverage (resolution WHA64.9 (2011))

B.     Prevention of deafness and hearing loss (resolution WHA70.13 (2017))

C.    Promoting the health of refugees and migrants (decision WHA72(14) (2019))

D.    Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16 (2011))

E.     Progress in the rational use of medicines (resolution WHA60.16 (2007))


Pillar 2: One billion more people better protected from health emergencies

G.    Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks (resolution WHA60.1 (2007))


Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being

H.    Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities (resolution WHA72.7 (2019))

I.       Plan of action on climate change and health in small island developing States (decision WHA72(10) (2019))

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Fourteenth meeting of Committee A


Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports

Eleventh meeting of Committee B


Finalization of resolutions/decisions and reports

Seventh Plenary meeting

Immediately after conclusion of Committees A and B

Item 8

Reports of the main committees

Item 9

Closure of the Health Assembly

3.  Report of meetings

First Plenary meeting

In the Chair:
H.E Ambassador Keva Bain (Bahamas)
President of the Seventy-third World Health Assembly

Item 1

Opening of the Health Assembly

H.E. Ambassador Keva Bain opened the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly and welcomed participants to the virtual platform.

High-level welcome

The President welcomed, on behalf of the Health Assembly and the World Health Organization, the special guests, H.E. Alain Berset, Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, H.E. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, H.E. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Kersti Kaljulaid, President of Estonia, H.E. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, H.E. Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, Prime Minister of Spain, H.E. Hon Rev. Dr Pohiva TU’l’onetoa, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga, H.E. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Mr Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Laureate and invited them to address the Health Assembly.

The Director-General gave his opening remarks to the Health Assembly and presented his report of the work of WHO.

Health leaders awards

In appreciation of their exceptional endeavours and commitment to health, the Director-General recognized the contributions of Former First Lady Mrs Rosalyn Carter, Dr Catalin Denciu and Dr Jemimah Kariuki.

Item 1.1

Appointment of the Committee on Credentials

On proposal of the President, and in accordance with Rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Health Assembly, the Assembly appointed the Committee on Credentials constituted by the delegates of the following 12 Member States:

-       Andorra

-       Australia

-       Cameroon

-       Haiti

-       Iceland

-       Mali

-       Monaco

-       Namibia

-       Panama

-       Singapore

-       Somalia

-       Thailand

Item 1.2

Election of the President of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly

In accordance with Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure, the President invited the Health Assembly to consider the list of names of delegates proposed for the nominations of President and five Vice-Presidents of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly.

In accordance with Rule 80 of the Rules of Procedure, the Health Assembly approved the nomination of Mrs Dechen Wangmo (Bhutan) and elected her as President of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly by acclamation.

Mrs Wangmo took the chair.

Item 1.3

Election of the five Vice-Presidents, the Chairs of the main committees, and establishment of the General Committee of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly

The President invited the Health Assembly to consider the proposal received for the nomination for the office of Vice-Presidents.

-       Professor Benjamin Hounkpatin (Benin)

-       Mr Enkhbold Sereejav  (Mongolia)

-       Dr Hanan M. Al-Kuwari (Qatar)

-       Mr Tanel Kiik (Estonia)

-       Dr Amelia Flores (Guatemala)

were elected Vice-Presidents of the Health Assembly by acclamation.[2]

Committee A: Dr Adriana Amarilla (Paraguay) was elected chairman by acclamation.
Committee B: Dr Ifereimi Wagainabete (Fiji) was elected chairman by acclamation.

In accordance with Rule 30 of the Rules of Procedure, the delegates of the following 17 countries were elected members of the General Committee, along with the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, and the Chairmen of the main committees:

-       Algeria

-       Burundi

-       Canada

-       Chile

-       China

-       Cuba

-       Djibouti

-       France

-       Oman

-       Philippines

-       Portugal

-       Russian Federation

-       Sri Lanka

-       United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

-       United States of America

-       Zambia

-       Zimbabwe

Consideration of special procedures

The Assembly was invited to consider the special procedures to regulate the conduct of virtual meetings of the World Health Assembly, as contained in Annex 1 of document A74/45. The report was adopted by the Assembly.

The meeting was adjourned.

Second Plenary meeting

In the Chair:
Mrs Dechen Wangmo (Bhutan)
President of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly

The President of the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly opened the second plenary and addressed the Health Assembly.

Item 1 continued

Opening of the Health Assembly

Item 1.4

Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees

The President reported that the General Committee recommended to not include a supplementary agenda item entitled “Inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer”. 

The President noted that when previous Health Assemblies had considered a similar proposal, the Assembly had agreed to follow a predictable, respectful and orderly process for handling the matter. To facilitate this work, the President proposed that the Assembly follow the same process. The Assembly agreed with this proposal.

Two delegations in support of the recommendation of the General Committee and two delegations in opposition to the recommendation of the General Committee were invited to take the floor. The delegates of China, Nauru, Pakistan and Eswatini took the floor.

The Assembly accepted the recommendation of the General Committee not to include a supplementary agenda item entitled “Inviting Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer” on the agenda.

The President reported that the General Committee recommended the following changes to the provisional agenda (document A72/1):

·       To delete the following items:

-       Item 29.3: Special arrangements for settlement of arrears

-       Item 29.5: Amendments to the financial regulations and financial rules

-       Item 31.1: International Agency for Research on Cancer: amendments to the Statute

·        To delete the reference to “Members” from the title of provisional agenda item 5 so that it would read “Admission of new Associate Members”.

·        To move Progress report F: Global technical strategy and targets for malaria 2016–2030 to item 26.4 on its agenda.

The recommendation of the General Committee was approved and the provisional agenda in accordance with the General Committee’s recommendation was adopted as amended.

It was announced that the changes will be reflected in document A74/1 Rev.1.

Item 2

Report of the Executive Board on its 145th and 146th sessions

The Chair of the Executive Board, Dr Harsh Vardhan (India), gave the report.

Item 29

Financial matters

·       Item 29.2

Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution

The President invited the Health Assembly to consider the draft resolution as contained in paragraph 6 of document A74/30 noting the deletion of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The draft resolution was adopted as amended and the agenda item suspended.

Item 3

Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General

–  General discussion

The President invited statements by delegations and asked the Secretariat to moderate the session. The delegate of Benin (who spoke on behalf of the African Region), and the delegate of Qatar (who spoke on behalf of the Member States of the Eastern Mediterranean Region) addressed the Assembly. These speakers were followed by the delegates of Portugal (who spoke on behalf of the Member States of the European Region), Morocco (who spoke on behalf of the Arab Health Ministers’ Council), Canada (who spoke on behalf of the Francophone States), Tonga (who spoke on behalf of the Pacific Island Countries), Azerbaijan (who spoke on behalf of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM)), Brazil, Kenya, France, Columbia, Peru, Latvia, China, Costa Rica, Philippines, Paraguay, Singapore, Maldives, Indonesia, Ireland, Pakistan, Turkey, Norway, Zimbabwe, Austria, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

First meeting of Committee A

In the Chair:
Dr Adriana Amarilla (Paraguay)

The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed delegates and observers and in accordance with Rules 43 and 44 of the Rules of Procedure, the representatives of the Executive Board. In accordance with Rule 35 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly, the Committee elected Dr Zwelini Mkhize (South Africa) and Dr Ali Muhammad Miftah Al-Zinati (Libya) Vice-Chairs, and Professor Plamen Dimitrov (Bulgaria) Rapporteur.

Item 13 (Pillar 1)
Discussion of agenda item 13 will be grouped as follows: (13.2, 13.3 & 13.9), (13.1, 13.5 & 13.8), (13.4, 13.6 & 13.7)

Review of and update on matters considered by the Executive Board

The Chair opened the grouped agenda items 13.2, 13.3 and 13.9. The Committee’s attention was drawn to the relevant documents A74/9, A74/9 Add.3, A74/9 Add.5, A74/10 Rev.1, A74/10 Add.1, A74/10 Add.2, A74/10 Add.3, and the following draft decisions and resolutions: draft decision EB148(7) contained in document EB148/2021/REC/1; draft decision contained in A74/A/CONF./4; draft resolution contained in A74/A/CONF./5 and draft resolution EB148.R1 contained in document EB148/2021/REC/1.

The Chair gave the floor to Dr Ahmed Mohammed Al Saidi, Executive Board representative, to make some introductory remarks and then invited comments from the floor on the group of agenda items. Due to time constraints, the Chair announced that consideration of these items would resume at a later meeting of Committee A. The meeting was adjourned.

4.       Strategic briefings

The following strategic briefings will take place during the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly and will be live-streamed via the following link:

Tuesday, 25 May


The time to act is now: preparing for the next pandemic today (Pillar 2)

Wednesday, 26 May


Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage: from UN commitments to country implementation (Pillar 1)

Thursday, 27 May


Safe societies and environments for health: the path to build forward better, healthier and greener
(Pillar 3)

Friday, 28 May


Preventing sexual exploitation and abuse: from policy to practice (Pillar 4)

5.  Arrangement for the conduct of discussion in meetings

Member States, Associate Members, Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and of other participating intergovernmental organizations will be provided with the opportunity to take the floor under agenda item 3 Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General.

Verbal statements

Member State delegations are asked to observe the time limit for verbal statements during the virtual sessions: individual statements by Member States and Associate Members be limited to three minutes (330 words), except for statements provided under items 17 Public health emergencies: preparedness and response and 18 Mental health preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In relation to the (3) statements provided under those two items, four minutes (440 words) will be allotted for statements by Member States and Associate Members. Regional and group statements will be limited to four minutes (440 words). Delegations providing group statements are discouraged from taking the floor subsequently to provide a national statement. In addition, delegations on whose behalf a group statement is provided, are discouraged from subsequently taking the floor except to provide any brief additional comments that were not covered by the group statement.

Statements by Observers, invited representatives of invited United Nations and other participating intergovernmental organizations will be limited to two minutes (220 words) and statements by non-State actors in official relations with the Organization will be limited to one minute. On selected agenda items, a limited number of non-State actor constituencies will deliver “constituency statements” limited to three minutes.

To ensure that statements are interpreted as clearly as possible, delegates are requested to submit a copy of their statements at least one hour in advance by email to interpret@who.int , to close windows to reduce background noise and to use high quality headsets with echo cancelling microphones.

Written statements

Member States and Associate Members are invited to submit written statements for posting on the website in the language of submission in accordance with the guidelines for written statements in decision EB146(17).

Observers, invited representatives of the United Nations and of other participating and intergovernmental organizations are also invited to submit written statements in accordance with those guidelines. Non-State actors are invited to submit written statements as per the practical information for representatives of non-State actors in official relations with WHO.

In accordance with the guidelines, statements may be provided in any of the six WHO official languages and should be limited to 500 words for individual statements and 800 words for group statements. They should be submitted to statements@who.int, clearly indicating the relevant agenda item or sub-item in the subject line.

Video statements

Member States and Associate Members may submit a pre-recorded video statement in place of live interventions. Video statements should be received by Wednesday 19 May (COB) and may be uploaded at the following link: https://bit.ly/31VHUFP. The following time limits will apply: Member States and Associate Members - three minutes and Group statements - four minutes. When uploading each video, please indicate clearly the relevant agenda item or sub-item in the description field. Videos received after the deadline, exceeding the time limits or labelled in such a way that the relevant agenda item or sub-item cannot be identified, may not be played. Video statements may be included in the live streaming and therefore will be included in the official records.

6.  Announcements

Virtual Meeting Platform for WHA74

The Zoom platform will be used for virtual sessions of WHA74. In order to ensure good sound quality on the virtual platform, please ensure that when taking the floor to deliver a statement, you select the language on the interpretation channel in which you are planning to speak and use high-quality headsets with echo cancelling microphones and webcam. We recommend that you use a personal computer, rather than a smartphone or tablet, and download the latest version of the Zoom software. Please deliver your statement at a moderate speed that allows for its interpretation and ensures your message is conveyed clearly and accurately.


For support related to the virtual platform, please send an email to GBS-IT-Support@who.int.            

Video streaming

The Plenary sessions will be webcast in the six UN languages. The webcasts can be viewed on Mac and PCs, as well as all mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows-enabled phones.

Arabic:            https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=ar

Chinese:         https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=zh

English:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=en

French:           https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=fr

Russian:          https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=ru

Spanish:          https://player.4am.ch/who/20210524-0601_wha74/player.html?lang=es



The World Health Assembly application allows you to receive updates on the WHA74 programme of work and access documentation directly on your mobile device. Scan the QR code below and download the application in your device.

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7.  Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in Plenary

Delegates can view the speaker’s list at any given time:




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[1] Including election of Vice-Chairs and Rapporteur

[2] The names of the five Vice-Presidents are shown in the order in which they were drawn by lot.

Placeholder Picture