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6142 records for 5965 trials found for: 1 (What is this?) 
Trials are sometimes recorded in more than one registry. These records can refer to each other using the 'Secondary ID' field. The search portal uses these Secondary IDs to group records about the same trial together in the search results.
Each group of records referring to a trial is displayed in table that is seen by pressing the + symbol. The record with the earliest date of registration is always shown first.
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Recruitment statusProspective RegistrationMain ID Public TitleDate of RegistrationResults available
Not Recruiting No ISRCTN49118865
A study to assess the amount of active ingredient that reaches the blood circulation after administration in healthy men and women under fasting conditions of a new anxiolytic, sedative, and anticonvulsant mouth-dissolvable drug in comparison to the marketed tablets of TavorĀ®
Recruiting No ISRCTN11517760
A study to assess nicotine pharmacokinetics for heated tobacco products and cigarettes
Not Recruiting Yes DRKS00033791
Prospective Pre-Post Evaluation of Post-Covid and Depression Patients in Psychosomatic Rehabilitation
Not Recruiting Yes CTRI/2024/05/067415
AshLi Aerosol eliminator device - Comparing the advantages of a modified version to the previous one.
Not Recruiting No DRKS00027362
Clinical epidemiology of Long Covid/Post-Covid-Syndrom - a validation study
Recruiting No NCT06417762
Dime La VerDAD: Verify, Debunk, and Disseminate
Not Recruiting Yes ACTRN12624000609550
Testing a low-intensity mental health intervention for refugees in Indonesia
Not Recruiting Yes CTRI/2024/05/067118
A clinical study of male Infertility in Covid 19 affected patients
Not Recruiting No KCT0009410
Kyungokgo for fatigue in post-COVID 19 survivors: prospective multicenter case series
Not recruiting Yes NCT06409663
Phase 3 Strain Change Study for SARS-CoV-2 rS Vaccines
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