WHO Collaborating Centres
Global database
Version 1.5
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ReferenceInstitution nameCityCountryRegionTitleWHO responsible officerStatus 
USA-182Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)AtlantaUSAAMROWHO Collaborating Center for Dracunculiasis EradicationSANKARA DieudonneActiveDetails
CUB-18Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro KouriLa HabanaCUBAAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for the Study and Control of DengueSAN MARTIN Jose LuisActiveDetails
ARG-35Ministerio de Salud Santiago del EsteroSantiago del EsteroARGENTINAAMROWHO Collaborating Center for Chagas Disease Clinic and Medical Care CASTELLANOS BETHANCOURT Luis GerardoActiveDetails
USA-443Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)AtlantaUSAAMROWHO Collaborating Centre for TrachomaSOLOMON AnthonyActiveDetails
USA-460Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreUSAAMROWHO collaborating centre for integrated people-centered eye careMARIOTTI Silvio PaoloActiveDetails