NCD story


Anna, United States

My story of living with endometriosis spans 24 years. I could tell you how soul-crushing it was. The multiple doctors I saw. Time lost while navigating life with uncontrollable pain. The insult to injury of being a teen with disease. Three failed surgeries. Financial strain. Damage to my spirit. Instead, I will tell you a story of hope. It was my surgery day. In pre-op, I was prepped with my supportive husband by my side. In good spirits, I was downright bubbly. Then all 23 years of suffering came crashing down on me. Every emotion I’d ever had during my battle with endometriosis streamed down my cheeks. For 23 years I just wanted to feel better, and it felt unattainable, even as I was about to have surgery with a specialist, who was recommended to me by other patients with excellent success rates. But that is what happens when professionals make your disease feel small and unimportant- you doubt yourself , because they doubt you. That’s when my doctor swept in. He firmly told me I will be leaving my endometriosis at the hospital, forever. He did what he said he would. He performed excision and fixed me. He gave me my life back. For the first time since I was 12 years old, I am living without the worry of pain lurking around the next corner. There is hope, if we keep educating and making strides to combat endometriosis. My fight with doctors and insurance companies was just as harrowing as living with endometriosis- it doesn’t have to be this way. We can do better.