NCD story

Chantelle Fynn

Chantelle Fynn, Canada

When I began interning with the Global Coordination Mechanism (GCM) my knowledge on noncommunicable diseases (NCD) was quite limited. I knew the basics, such as what they were and the risk factors but I had never delved deeper than the surface. During my time here, I have learnt a lot more about NCDs and it has really broadened my perspectives. I have been lucky enough to sit in on meetings with member states, and get a first-hand view on how NCDs are affecting their country. They spoke with passion and a strong desire to reduce the prevalence of NCDs in their communities. Watching how fervent they were about reducing NCDs was inspiring and resonated deeply with me. It only took a few days of interning with the GCM/NCD for me to understand its importance. Observing how passionate the whole cluster was about NCDs and helping member states was an amazing experience I wish everyone could take. I live in a small province in Canada where the prevalence of chronic diseases is quite high. With an increasing rate of smoking and 32.7% of the population with diabetes, I think relaying what I’ve learnt on NCD prevention is my next step. Noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases affect everyone no matter their social status, age or race. Therefore, I believe that disseminating this information to others in my community is crucial. Helping others become as passionate for NCD prevention as the GCM is a goal I hope to achieve.