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Dimension: WHO region
AFR: Africa
AMR: Americas
SEAR: South-East Asia
EUR: Europe
EMR: Eastern Mediterranean
WPR: Western Pacific
GLOBAL: Global
WB_LI: Low-income
WB_LMI: Lower-middle-income
WB_UMI: Upper-middle-income
WB_HI: High-income
WHO_LMI_HIC: High income countries
Additional details: 7_MS_HIC
WHO_LMI_AFR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the African Region
Additional details: 1_Afr_LM
WHO_LMI_AMR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the Americas
Additional details: 2_Amr_LM
WHO_LMI_EMR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Additional details: 5_Emr_LM
WHO_LMI_EUR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the European Region
Additional details: 4_Eur_LM
WHO_LMI_SEAR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the South-East Asia Region
Additional details: 3_Sear_LM
WHO_LMI_WPR: Low-and-middle-income countries of the Western Pacific Region
Additional details: 6_Wpr_LM
NOTSPEC: Not specified
GBD_REG14_AFRD: Africa region, stratum D (AFR D)
GBD_REG14_AFRE: Africa region, stratum E(AFR E)
GBD_REG14_AMRA: Americas region, stratum A (AMR A)
GBD_REG14_AMRB: Americas region, stratum B (AMR B)
GBD_REG14_AMRD: Americas region, stratum D (AMR D)
GBD_REG14_EMRB: Eastern Mediterranean region, stratum B (EMR B)
GBD_REG14_EMRD: Eastern Mediterranean region, stratum D (EMR D)
GBD_REG14_EURA: Europe region, stratum A (EUR A)
GBD_REG14_EURB: Europe region, stratum B (EUR B)
GBD_REG14_EURC: Europe region, stratum C (EUR C)
GBD_REG14_SEARB: South East Asia region, stratum B (SEAR B)
GBD_REG14_SEARD: South East Asia region, stratum D (SEAR D)
GBD_REG14_WPRA: Western Pacific region, stratum A (WPR A)
GBD_REG14_WPRB: Western Pacific region, stratum B (WPR B)
GBD_REG14_WORLD: World (WHO subregions by child and adult mortality)
WHO_HI_AMR: High income countries of the Americas
WHO_HI_EMR: High income countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
WHO_HI_EUR: High income countries of the European Region
WHO_HI_SEAR: High income countries of the South-East Asia Region
WHO_HI_WPR: High income countries of the Western Pacific Region
WHO_HI_GLOBAL: WHO High income countries of the world
OECD_NON_AFR: Africa (non-OECD)
OECD_HII_AMR: Americas, high-income OECD
OECD_NON_AMR: Americas, non-OECD
OECD_NON_EMR: Eastern Mediterranean (non-OECD)
OECD_HII_EUR: Europe, high-income OECD
OECD_NON_EUR: Europe, non-OECD
OECD_NON_SEAR: South-East Asia (non-OECD)
OECD_HII_WPR: Western Pacific , high-income OECD
OECD_NON_WPR: Western Pacific, non-OECD
WHO_AFRO: Africa Region
WHO_AMRO: America Region
WHO_EMRO: Eastern Mediterranean Region
WHO_EURO: European Region
WHO_SEARO: South-East Asia Region
WHO_WPRO: Western Pacific Region