
CAS number
Functional Class
Veterinary Drug


Evaluation year: 1960

CCRVDF decision on DES (26 to 30 August 2013): The 5th JECFA noted that DES has carcinogenic properties. However, the information regarding carcinogenicity was not evaluated, a risk assessment was not performed, and a conclusion regarding the safety of DES or stilbenes in food was not provided. Since IARC follows comparable principles and procedures regarding transparency, convening of independent international expert groups and evaluating the scientific evidence, the latest IARC evaluation of DES, being the model compound for stilbenes, was used on an exceptional basis for risk management recommendations rather than requesting a JECFA evaluation. IARC's updated evaluation of DES (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, 2012, Volume 100A, WHO Press) stated that DES is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on evidence linking exposure to DES with clear cell adenoma in the vagina and cervix in women who were exposed to DES in utero, as well as breast cancer in women who exposed to DES while pregnant. In addition, positive associations were observed between exposure to DES and cancer of the endometrium, and between in utero exposure to DES and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix and cancer of the testis. DES exposure similarly resulted in increased incidences of ovarian, endometrial and cervical tumours, as well as mammary adenocarcinomas in female mice. In male rasH2 and XPa/p53 mice DES exposure increased the incidence of osteosarcomas and Leydig cell tumors, respectively. In view of the available scientific information, CCRVDF concluded that there is no safe level of residues of stilbenes or their metabolites in food that represents an acceptable risk to consumers. For this reason, competent authorities should prevent residues of stilbenes in food. This can be accomplished by not using stilbenes in food producing animals.