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Note: This record shows only 22 elements of the WHO Trial Registration Data Set. To view changes that have been made to the source record, or for additional information about this trial, click on the URL below to go to the source record in the primary register.
Last refreshed on: 19 February 2015
Main ID:  NCT00883844
Date of registration: 17/04/2009
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: Foundation for Liver Research
Public title: PEG-IFN in HBV Patients With Incomplete Response to NA PADD
Scientific title: Lowering Viral Load With Nucleos(t)Ide Analogues Prior to Peginterferon Alfa-2b Treatment to Increase Sustained Response in HBeAg-positive Chronic Hepatitis B - a Pilot Study
Date of first enrolment: April 2009
Target sample size: 11
Recruitment status: Completed
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Allocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Treatment  
Phase:  Phase 4
Countries of recruitment
Name:     Harry LA Janssen, MD PhD
Affiliation:  Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Chronic hepatitis B (HBsAg positive > 6 months)

- HBeAg positive, anti-HBe negative within one month prior to initiation of
peginterferon alfa-2b

- HBV DNA < 2000 IU/ml during nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment within one month prior
to initiation of peginterferon alfa-2b

- Compensated liver disease

- Age > 18 years

- Written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Treatment with any investigational drug within 30 days of entry to this protocol

- Severe hepatitis activity as documented by ALT>10 x ULN

- History of decompensated cirrhosis (defined as jaundice in the presence of cirrhosis,
ascites, bleeding gastric or esophageal varices or encephalopathy)

- Pre-existent neutropenia (neutrophils <1,800/mm3) or thrombocytopenia (platelets

- Co-infection with hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus or human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)

- Other acquired or inherited causes of liver disease: alcoholic liver disease, obesity
induced liver disease, drug related liver disease, auto-immune hepatitis,
hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease or alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

- Alpha fetoprotein > 50 ng/ml

- Hyper- or hypothyroidism (subjects requiring medication to maintain TSH levels in the
normal range are eligible if all other inclusion/exclusion criteria are met)

- Immune suppressive treatment within the previous 6 months

- Contra-indications for alfa-interferon therapy like suspected hypersensitivity to
interferon or Peginterferon or any known pre-existing medical condition that could
interfere with the patient's participation in and completion of the study.

- Pregnancy, breast-feeding

- Other significant medical illness that might interfere with this study: significant
pulmonary dysfunction in the previous 6 months, malignancy other than skin
basocellular carcinoma in previous 5 years, immunodeficiency syndromes (e.g. HIV
positivity, auto-immune diseases, organ transplants other than cornea and hair

- Any medical condition requiring, or likely to require chronic systemic administration
of steroids, during the course of the study

- Substance abuse, such as alcohol (>80 g/day), I.V. drugs and inhaled drugs in the
past 2 years.

- Any other condition which in the opinion of the investigator would make the patient
unsuitable for enrollment, or could interfere with the patient participating in and
completing the study

Age minimum: 18 Years
Age maximum: 65 Years
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Chronic Hepatitis B
Drug: Nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment with a peginterferon add-on strategy
Drug: Nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment
Primary Outcome(s)
Sustained response defined as HBeAg loss and HBV DNA level < 200 IU/mL [Time Frame: at week 72]
Secondary Outcome(s)
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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