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Register: JPRN
Last refreshed on: 17 October 2023
Main ID:  JPRN-UMIN000005543
Date of registration: 09/05/2011
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Kagoshima University Pulmonary Medicine
Public title: The double blind study of the clinical effects of anti-cholinergic agent "imidafenadcin" for COPD patients.
Scientific title: The double blind study of the clinical effects of anti-cholinergic agent "imidafenadcin" for COPD patients. - The effects of imidafenacin for COPD.
Date of first enrolment: 2011/03/01
Target sample size: 10
Recruitment status: Complete: follow-up complete
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Cross-over Randomized  
Phase:  Not selected
Countries of recruitment
Name:     Ikkou higashimoto
Address:  8-35-1 Sakuragaoka Kagoshima Japan Japan
Telephone: 099-275-6481
Affiliation:  Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Kagoshima University Pulmonary Medicine
Name:     Hiromasa Inoue
Address:  8-35-1 Sakuragaoka Kagoshima Japan Japan
Telephone: 099-275-6481
Affiliation:  Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Kagoshima University Pulmonary Medicine
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria: Patients were excluded from participation if they corresponds to a contraindicated matter of imidafenacin(urinary retention, bowel obstruction, paralytic ileus, glaucoma, myasthenica gravis). The patient who is complicated with chronic respiratory desease except COPD. Patient having allergy to anticholinergic agent. The patient who has difficulty perform of the spirometry. In addition, the patient who judged that the examination medical attendant was inappropriate.

Age minimum: 40years-old
Age maximum: Not applicable
Gender: Male and Female
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Patients receive a single dose of Imidafenacin0.1mg, and then washout 7-14 days, patients receive a placebo.
Patients receive a placebo, and then washout 7-14 day, patients receive a single dose of Imidafenacin0.1mg.
Primary Outcome(s)
pulmonary function test
Secondary Outcome(s)
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Status: YES
Approval date:
Results available: Yes
Date Posted:
Date Completed: 01/12/2011
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