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Register: ISRCTN
Last refreshed on: 13 January 2015
Main ID:  ISRCTN68530111
Date of registration: 20/12/2005
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: Dutch Cancer Society and Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
Public title: OncoRev study: effect of a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation program for cancer patients on quality of life - a randomised controlled multicentre trial
Scientific title:
Date of first enrolment: 15/03/2004
Target sample size: 225
Recruitment status: Completed
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Multicentre, randomised, single blind, placebo controlled, parallel group trial (Treatment)  
Countries of recruitment
Name: A M    May-de Groot
Address:  University Medical Center Utrecht Julius Centrum STR. 6.131 P.O. Box 85060 3508 AB Utrecht Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)30 2539308
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: 1. Aged over 18 years
2. Diagnosis of cancer (all types included)
3. Last treatment minimally two month
4. Life expectation of minimally one year
5. Minimum of three answer ?yes? to the following questions:
5.1. Physical complaints like aching muscles, problems with coordination, headache, nausea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath
5.2. Reduced physical capacity as compared to before the illness, e.g. less able to walk, cycle or walk
5.3. Psychological problems like increased level of anxiety, depression, uncertainty, shortage of energy or nervousness
5.4. Increased level of fatigue
5.5. Sleep disturbances
5.6. Problems of coping with reduced physical and psychosocial functioning due to cancer
6. Knowledge of the Dutch language

Exclusion criteria: 1. Category 3 or 4 of the scheme of Winningham (Winningham 1991)
2. Inability of travelling independently to the rehabilitation centre
3. Cognitive disorder that might impede the participation in the rehabilitation program (for example: subjects who are unable to be instructed, to think in three dimensions, to fill in questionnaires)
4. Emotional instability that is expected to possibly impede the participation in the rehabilitation program (for example getting divorced at the moment, death of a loved one)
5. Certain restricted risks due to the disease and/or serious co-morbidity (cardiovascular disease, history of lung pathology [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease], diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis
6. History of and/or actual serious psycho-pathology, psychotic complaints or alcohol abuse
7. Restricted side-effects of medication (e.g. psycho-pharmaca in high doses)
8. Need for intensive medical treatment or rehabilitation
9. Participation in any other clinical trial that measures quality of life or physical functions (exception: follow-up evaluation of clinical trials)

Age minimum:
Age maximum:
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Malignant neoplasm without specification of site
1. Multidisciplinary oncological rehabilitation program: physical training combined with psycho-education (12 weeks)
2. Physical training (12 weeks)
3. Waiting list control group (12 - 24 weeks)
Primary Outcome(s)
Quality of life
Secondary Outcome(s)
1. Fatigue
2. Self-efficacy (sense of control)
3. Moderating variables focusing at predictors for success (social-demographics variables, disease and treatment related items, psycho-social variables, process variables, social support and use of medical services and medication)
4. Illness perceptions
5. Self-management/empowerment
6. Physical condition: maximal: maximal oxygen uptake, maximal heart rate, total work time, heart rate (HR) at steady state, muscular force
7. Level of activity
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Josephine Nefkens Foundation (Josephine Nefkens Stichting) (The Netherlands) - Erasmus Medical Centre
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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