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Register: ISRCTN
Last refreshed on: 11 January 2021
Main ID:  ISRCTN34966555
Date of registration: 12/06/2014
Prospective Registration: Yes
Primary sponsor: University of Manchester (UK)
Public title: Active Assistance for Psychological Therapy (Actissist): Using mobile technology to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis
Scientific title: Active Assistance for Psychological Therapy (Actissist): Using mobile technology to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis: a randomised controlled trial
Date of first enrolment: 01/03/2015
Target sample size: 36
Recruitment status: Completed
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Randomised; Interventional; Design type: Treatment (Treatment)  
Phase:  Not Applicable
Countries of recruitment
United Kingdom
Name: Sandra    Bucci
Address:  School of Psychological Sciences Zochonis Building Oxford Road M13 9PL Manchester United Kingdom
Telephone: -
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
1. In current contact with Early Intervention Services
2. At least 4 week stabilisation of positive symptoms (score <3 on the PANSS items)
3. Mental capacity to provide informed consent
4. Sufficient English language proficiency to complete questionnaires and respond to written material
5. Aged 16 years or older

Exclusion criteria:
1. Anyone less than 16 years old at the point of recruitment
2. Anyone incapable of giving informed consent
3. Non-English proficient
4. Score >3 on the PANSS items for positive psychotic symptoms
5. Any service user >35 years

Age minimum:
Age maximum:
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Topic: Mental Health; Subtopic: Psychosis; Disease: Psychosis
Mental and Behavioural Disorders

Participants will be randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups in a ratio of 2:1, respectively (24:12).
Mobile CBT: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy administered via a mobile phone.
The control group will receive ClinTouch; a mobile phone application developed to monitor the symptoms of psychosis (Palmier-Claus et al., 2012).

Follow Up Length: 10 month(s); Study Entry : Single Randomisation only
Primary Outcome(s)
Acceptability and feasibility; Timepoint(s): Uptake and drop-out rates will be assessed throughout. Patient feedback is taken at follow-up.
Secondary Outcome(s)

1. Number of social interactions, measured by the Personal and and Social Performance Scale (Morosini et al., 2000)
2. Drug use frequency, measured by the Timeline FollowBack (TLFB; Sobell & Sobell, 1992)
3. Perceived criticism, measured by the perceived criticism scale (Hooley & Teasdale, 1989)
4. Positive psychotic symptoms, measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS; Kay,Opler & Fiszbein, 1987)
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Medical Research Council (MRC) (UK); Grant Codes: R116690
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Approval date:
14/WM/0118; First MREC approval date 28/04/2014
Results available: Yes
Date Posted:
Date Completed: 30/06/2016
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