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Note: This record shows only 22 elements of the WHO Trial Registration Data Set. To view changes that have been made to the source record, or for additional information about this trial, click on the URL below to go to the source record in the primary register.
Register: ISRCTN
Last refreshed on: 13 January 2015
Main ID:  ISRCTN22264953
Date of registration: 16/02/2007
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: King's College London (UK)
Public title: A pilot study to investigate the effect of reactivity to brief alcohol assessment on subsequent consumption, problems and dependence
Scientific title:
Date of first enrolment: 01/02/2006
Target sample size: 400
Recruitment status: Completed
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Trial (Prevention)  
Countries of recruitment
United Kingdom
Name: Jim    McCambridge
Address:  Centre for Research on Drugs & Health Behaviour Department of Public Health & Policy London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Keppel Street WC1E 7HT London United Kingdom
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: University students aged 18-24
Exclusion criteria: None

Age minimum:
Age maximum:
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Hazardous drinking
Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Excessive alcohol consumption
AUDIT 10-item screening questionnaire
Primary Outcome(s)
AUDIT score
Secondary Outcome(s)
1. Hazardous drinking (as measured by) AUDIT score greater than or equal to 8
2. Hazardous drinking 10 or more units on any day within the past week regardless of gender
3. Hazardous drinking at or above 14 units past week for women or 21 units for men
4. Total number of units consumed in past week
5. Total number of days alcohol was drunk in the past month
6. Dependence (as measured by Leeds Dependence Questionnaire[LDQ])
7. General Problems (as measured by Alcohol Problems Scale [APS])
8. Academic Problems (as measured by Academic Role Expectations and Alcohol Scale[AREAS])
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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