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Register: ISRCTN
Last refreshed on: 20 November 2017
Main ID:  ISRCTN14542389
Date of registration: 24/05/2016
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: University of Aberdeen / NHS Grampian (Scotland)
Public title: A radiostereometry assessment of bone graft in hip revision surgery
Scientific title: A radiostereometry assessment of bone graft processed with novel sterilisation techniques (a study of patients undergoing acetabular impaction grafting hip revision surgery).
Date of first enrolment: 20/09/2014
Target sample size: 50
Recruitment status: Completed
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Randomised, single centre, blinded (Treatment)  
Phase:  Not Applicable
Countries of recruitment
United Kingdom
Name: George    Ashcroft
Address:  Polwarth Building University of Aberdeen Foresterhill AB25 2ZD Aberdeen United Kingdom
Telephone: -
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: 1. Age 50-80
2. First revision of cemented THR
3. Acetabular defects suitable for Impaction grafting

Exclusion criteria: 1. Previous surgery for inflammatory arthritis of the hip
2. Renal transplant or significant renal impairment
3. Immunosuppressive condition or recent high dose steroids
4. Known or suspected ipsilateral hip infection
5. Neurological disease limiting rehabilitation e.g. Parkinson?s
6. Psychosocial disorders likely to limit rehabilitation
7. Geographical factors making follow up impractical
8. Other condition severely limiting life expectancy
9. Dementia or other condition affecting ability to give consent
10. Revision for periprosthetic fracture or dislocation
11. Facility for intraoperative exclusion (e.g. periprosthetic fracture, uncontained defect, suspected sepsis

Age minimum:
Age maximum:
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Revision Hip replacement surgery
Musculoskeletal Diseases
A prospective study is being carried out on 50 patients undergoing impaction revision of the acetabulum for aseptic loosening of primary total hip replacement for osteoarthritis. Patients are randomised to impaction using standard fresh frozen allograft or processed bone.

Radiostereometry is used to measure the movement of the cup in terms of migration and rotation over a two year follow up period. Increased migration will imply poorer incorporation of bone graft and hence a significant change in either biological or mechanical properties.
Primary Outcome(s)
Migration and inducible movement of cemented acetabular components impacted. Each patient will be evaluated using standard weight bearing and non-weight bearing RSA radiographs at time of discharge, at six weeks, three months, six months, one year and two years after surgery. In addition, each patient will receive one repeat examination for clinical precision estimate in accordance with RSA guidelines.
Secondary Outcome(s)
1. Joint function, assessed using the Oxford Hip Score before surgery and again 12 months after surgery
2. General health,assessed using the Euroquol 5D score before surgery, 12 months after surgery and 24 months after surgery
3. Assessment of a hip arthroplasty via plain x-ray - radiolucency before surgery, just after surgery, then again at 12 months and 24 months
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Chief Scientists Office (Scotland) ETM/206
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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