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Register: IRCT
Last refreshed on: 22 February 2018
Main ID:  IRCT2014012511700N3
Date of registration: 2014-02-05
Prospective Registration: No
Primary sponsor: Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Public title: Effect of combined dexamethasone-ondansetrone versus dexamethasone and ondansetrone alone for the prevention of nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynecological diagnostic laparoscopy
Scientific title: Effect of dexamethasone-ondansetrone for the prevention of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy
Date of first enrolment: 2013-03-20
Target sample size: 105
Recruitment status: Complete
Study type:  interventional
Study design:  Randomization: Randomized, Blinding: Double blinded, Placebo: Used, Assignment: Parallel, Purpose: Prevention.  
Phase:  N/A
Countries of recruitment
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Name: Dr. Farnaz Moslemi   
Address:  Alzahra Hospital, Artesh Ave, Tabriz Tabriz Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 41 1553 9161
Affiliation:  Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Name: Dr. Farnaz Moslemi   
Address:  Alzahra Hospital, Artesh Ave, Tabriz Tabriz Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 41 1553 9161
Affiliation:  Tabriz university of Medical Sciences
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Inclusion criteria: women with 20-50 years old; women with ASA physical status I and II; patients who have given informed concent
Exclusio criteria: patients with ASA physical status III or higher;cardiovascular disease; respiratory disease; gastrointestinal disease; hypertension; diabet; patients who had antiemetic therapy

Exclusion criteria:

Age minimum: 20 years
Age maximum: 50 years
Gender: Female
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery
Nausea and Vomiting.
Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery
Intervention 1: Group 1, will recieve 8 mg IV Dexamethazone before induction of anesthesia. Intervention 2: Group2 will recieve 4 mg IV ondansetron before induction of anesthesia. Intervention 3: Group 3 will recieve 8 mg Dexamethazone and 4 mg Ondansetron IV before induction of anesthesia.
Treatment - Drugs
Group 3 will recieve 8 mg Dexamethazone and 4 mg Ondansetron IV before induction of anesthesia
Group 1, will recieve 8 mg IV Dexamethazone before induction of anesthesia
Group2 will recieve 4 mg IV ondansetron before induction of anesthesia
Primary Outcome(s)
Nausea and Vomiting. Timepoint: In recovery room and until discharge of Hospital. Method of measurement: The intencity of nausea and vomiting with Belville score.
Secondary Outcome(s)
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Status: Approved
Approval date:
Vice Chancellor for Reaserch, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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