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Register: IRCT
Last refreshed on: 22 February 2018
Main ID:  IRCT201307308391N2
Date of registration: 2013-08-11
Prospective Registration: Yes
Primary sponsor: Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Public title: Acute abdominal Postoperative Pain Control in children
Scientific title: A comparison of effect of caudal block and wound infiltration with bupivacaine in acute postoperative pain control in children after elective lower abdominal surgery with general anesthesia
Date of first enrolment: 2013-08-23
Target sample size: 55
Recruitment status: Complete
Study type:  interventional
Study design:  Randomization: Randomized, Blinding: Double blinded, Placebo: Not used, Assignment: Parallel, Purpose: Prevention.  
Phase:  N/A
Countries of recruitment
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Name: Mehrsima Abdollahzadeh   
Address:  Namjoo street,Alzahra hospital Rasht Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 13 1321 0434
Affiliation:  Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Name: Mehrsima Abdollahzadeh   
Address:  Namjoo St.,Alzahra hospital Rasht Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 13 1321 0434
Affiliation:  Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Inclusion criteria : 2-8 years old patient with ASA class I-II under elective lower abdominal surgery (aug 2013 - aug 2014)

Exclusion criteria : ASA class III- IV , urgent surgery , sensitivity to local anesthetics , G6PD deficiency , coagulation disorder , localized infection , parents refusal, pre-existing neurologic disorder

Exclusion criteria:

Age minimum: 2 years
Age maximum: 8 years
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
acute postoperative pain.
Acute pain
Acute pain
control group : caudal analgesia with 1ml/kg bupivacaine 0/25%
Intervention 1: intervention group : wound infiltration with 0/5 ml/kg bupivacaine 0/25% into the edges of the wound after fascial closure. Intervention 2: control group : caudal analgesia with 1ml/kg bupivacaine 0/25%.
intervention group : wound infiltration with 0/5 ml/kg bupivacaine 0/25% into the edges of the wound after fascial closure.
Primary Outcome(s)
Acute postoperative pain. Timepoint: 1-6-12-24 hour after procedure. Method of measurement: modified objective pediatric pain scale(0-10).
Secondary Outcome(s)
Duration of analgesia provided by technique. Timepoint: hour/min after surgery. Method of measurement: interval between administration of the first dose of rectal acetaminophen and prucedure.
Amount of rectally received acetaminophen. Timepoint: 1,6,12,24 hour after surgery. Method of measurement: total dosage(mg) and the number of times received rectal acetaminophen.
Urine retention - bowel activity. Timepoint: 1,6,12,24 hour after surgery. Method of measurement: time intrval of first urination / bowel activity from prucedure.
Parents satisfaction. Timepoint: 1-6-12-24 hour after procedure. Method of measurement: satisfaction score(0-3) {0=not at all satisfied, 1=not satisfied, 2= partially satisfied, 3= satisfied}.
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Status: Approved
Approval date:
Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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