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Register: IRCT
Last refreshed on: 22 February 2018
Main ID:  IRCT138812153492N1
Date of registration:
Prospective Registration: Yes
Primary sponsor: Depuity of education & research of Arak university of Medical science
Public title: The effects of nicotinic acid on hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients of valiasr-Arak center
Scientific title: The effects of nicotinic acid on hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients of valiasr-Arak center
Date of first enrolment: 2010-02-20
Target sample size: 30
Recruitment status: Complete
Study type:  interventional
Study design:  Randomization: Randomized, Blinding: Double blinded, Placebo: Used, Assignment: Crossover, Purpose: Treatment.  
Phase:  N/A
Countries of recruitment
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Name: Fatemeh Zameni   
Address:  Alamalhoda Avenue 3819693345 Arak Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 86 1312 1394
Affiliation:  Arak University of medical science
Name: Mahnaz Edalat-Nejad   
Address:  Amir-Almomenin Hospital , Sardasht, Arak Arak Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Telephone: +98 86 1417 3645
Affiliation:  Arak medical science university
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Inclusion criteria : Age > 18&<90 years, sign satisfaction, serum phosphorous: 5-7 mg/day , unchanged treatment protocol , (calcium components and Vit D) during last two weeks , unchanged dialysis protocol. Exclusion criteria: pregnancy, known liver disease, active peptic ulcer, carbamazepine use, drug intolerance.
Exclusion criteria:

Age minimum: 18 years
Age maximum: 90 years
Gender: Both
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
disorder of phosphorus metabolism
disorder of phosphorus metabolism
Intervention 1: Placebo. Intervention 2: Intervention group (Group I) will receive nicotinic acid and group II will receive placebo. Nicotinic acid will be started as 400 mg/day, patients will be controlled for nicotinic acid's side effects such as GI problems and thrombocytopenia. Calcium & phosphorous will be checked every other week. If serum calcium and phosphorous is greater than 4 mg/day, nicotinic acid will be increased to 600 mg/day (200 mg additional). If phosphorous is lesser than 3.5 mg/day, nicotinic acid will be reduced to 200 mg/day. If serum phosphorous is between 3.5 – 4 mg/day, it will remain unchanged. Nicotinic acid will continue till 8 weeks. Two weeks later, case and control groups will change place with regard to the reception of nicotinic acid and placebo. Now group II will receive nicotinic acid for 8 weeks.
Intervention group (Group I) will receive nicotinic acid and group II will receive placebo. Nicotinic acid will be started as 400 mg/day, patients will be controlled for nicotinic acid's side effects such as GI problems and thrombocytopenia. Calcium & phosphorous will be checked every other week. If serum calcium and phosphorous is greater than 4 mg/day, nicotinic acid will be increased to 600 mg/day (200 mg additional). If phosphorous is lesser than 3.5 mg/day, nicotinic acid will be reduced to 200 mg/day. If serum phosphorous is between 3.5 – 4 mg/day, it will remain unchanged. Nicotinic acid will continue till 8 weeks. Two weeks later, case and control groups will change place with regard to the reception of nicotinic acid and placebo. Now group II will receive nicotinic acid for 8 weeks.
Treatment - Drugs
Primary Outcome(s)
Serum phosphate level. Timepoint: Twice a weeks for 4 months. Method of measurement: by pars azmon kit in Valiasr Hospital.
Secondary Outcome(s)
Serum calcium level. Timepoint: Twice a week for 4 mounths. Method of measurement: by pars kit in valiasr hospital.
HDL Level. Timepoint: 0-2-4 month. Method of measurement: Pars Azmoon kit in Valiasr Hospital Lab.
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Depuity of education & research of Arak university of Medical science
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Status: Approved
Approval date:
Ethics committee of Arak university of medical science
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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