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Register: German Clinical Trials Register
Last refreshed on: 27 May 2024
Main ID:  DRKS00003287
Date of registration: 18/11/2011
Prospective Registration: Yes
Primary sponsor: Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health
Public title: Characteristics and Training of Neural Responding in BPD
Scientific title: Characteristics and Training of Neural Responding in BPD
Date of first enrolment: 23/07/2012
Target sample size: 120
Recruitment status: Recruiting
Study type:  observational
Study design:  Allocation: ; Masking: ; Control: ; Assignment: ; Study design purpose: basic science  
Countries of recruitment
Name: Christian    Paret
Address:  J5 68159 Mannheim Germany
Telephone: ++49-621-1703-4462
Affiliation:  Central Institute of Mental Health
Name: Gabriele    Ende
Address:  J5 68159 Mannheim Germany
Telephone: ++49-621-1703-2971
Affiliation:  Department Neuroimaging, Central Institute of Mental Health
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: 1. Diagnosis of BPD following DSM4.
2. Remitted patients need to fullfill less than 5 DSM4criteria.
3. Healthy controls aged 18-45 without a history of psychiatric disorders.

Exclusion criteria: Exclusion criteria for all participants
• Pregnancy
• Lifetime diagnosis of psychotic disorder or bipolar I disorder
• Major depressive episode at the time of measurement
• Substance dependency in the preceding year
• Organic brain diseases
• Severe medical or neurological condition
• Antecedent cranial or brain injuries
• Metallic items in or on the body
• Left-handedness
• Claustrophobia
- Chronic non-healing wounds
- blood coagulation disorder
- medication with marcumar
- anamnestic brain lesion
- psychotropic medication within the last two weeks

Additional criteria for the healthy control group:
• Fulfilling more than one DSM IV criterion for BPD
• Any psychiatric disease

Age minimum: 18 Years
Age maximum: 45 Years
Gender: Female
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied

Group 1: Characterisation of neural response: 20 female patients with BPD
Neurofeedback training: 20 female patients with BPD
-In the first trial arm, 20 patients with BPD will be included. First, before the first measurement, diagnostic measures of axis 1 and 2 disorders will be obtained. BPD diagnosis will be obtained with the international personality disorder examination (IPDE), symptom severity will be measured with the borderline symptom list (BSL-95, Bohus et al. 2007). If inclusion criteria are met and informed consent is obtained, the participant will be included in the study.
Group 2: Subprojekt1 (chracterisation of neuronal response):
20 remitted female patients
Group 3: Characterisation of neural response:
20 female healthy controls
Neurofeedback training:
40 female healthy controls
Primary Outcome(s)
The BOLD response assessed with fMRI will be explored and better characterized. This should enhance the separation between healthy controls and BPD patients
Secondary Outcome(s)
We will test the hypothesis that BPD patients are able to learn to control their emotional response by an fMRI neurofeedback training.
Secondary ID(s)
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Ethics review
Status: Approved
Approval date: 22/02/2011
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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