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Register: ANZCTR
Last refreshed on: 13 January 2020
Main ID:  ACTRN12614000576628
Date of registration: 29/05/2014
Prospective Registration: Yes
Primary sponsor: Dr. Mimi Tse
Public title: Gardening activities for nursing home residents
Scientific title: The use of horticultural therapy to enhance psychological well-being and relieve chronic pain in nursing home residents: A pilot study
Date of first enrolment: 04/11/2014
Target sample size: 30
Recruitment status: Recruiting
Study type:  Interventional
Study design:  Purpose: Treatment; Allocation: Non-randomised trial; Type of endpoint: Efficacy;  
Phase:  Not Applicable
Countries of recruitment
Hong Kong
Name: Dr Mimi Tse   
Address:  FG425, Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 27666541
Name: Dr Mimi Tse   
Address:  FG425, Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 27666541
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: - aged 65 years or older
- able to communicate in Cantonese
- Mini-Mental State Examination score of 6 or above
- pain in the past 3 months

Exclusion criteria: - bed-bound
- history of mental disorders

Age minimum: 65 Years
Age maximum: No limit
Gender: Both males and females
Health Condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
Chronic pain;Depressive symptoms;
Chronic pain
Depressive symptoms
Alternative and Complementary Medicine - Other alternative and complementary medicine
Mental Health - Depression
A 12-week horticultural therapy will be given to the participants. There will be one session per week with each session last around 30-40 minutes.
The horticultural therapy will include an introduction of the gardening activities and various types of plants and seedlings; making natural pesticides, applying natural pesticides to the plants, watering and positioning plants. Pots, seeds and all other gardening equipment will be provided to each participant and each of them will be responsible for growing their own plant.
A planting diary will be developed and given to the participants for recording the planting schedules and photographs of their own plants.
A group of 4-5 older adults will gather together in each session and the sessions will be led by the research assistant.
Primary Outcome(s)
Depressive symptoms as measured by Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15)[Baseline, and at week 12 upon the completion of the HT]
Pain intensity as measured by numeric rating scale (NRS) and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-T)[Baseline, at week 3 and at week 6 before the horticultural therapy (HT) session, at week 12 upon the completion of the HT]
Secondary Outcome(s)
Happiness level as measured by Subjective Happiness Scale[Baseline, and at week 12 upon the completion of the HT]
Loneliness level as measured by the Loneliness Scale[Baseline, and at week 12 upon the completion of the HT]
Secondary ID(s)
Nil Known
Source(s) of Monetary Support
Intend to submit to the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Secondary Sponsor(s)
Professor Thanos Karatzias
Dr. Paul Lee
Ethics review
Status: Approved
Approval date:
Departmental Research Committee
Results available:
Date Posted:
Date Completed:
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