Nutrition Landscape Information System (NLiS)

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Source/Reference Details

Title:  Enquˆte mortalit‚, morbidit‚ et utilisation des services, Ha‹ti, 2012. Demographic and Health Surveys. Calverton, Maryland, USA : MSPP, IHE et ICF International, 2012 (and additional analysis).
Authors:  Cayemittes M, Busangu MF, Bizimana J, BarrŠre B, S‚vŠre B, Cayemittes V, Emmanuel C.
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Reference Type: Unspecified IB Ref: 313163

Cayemittes M, Busangu MF, Bizimana J, BarrŠre B, S‚vŠre B, Cayemittes V, Emmanuel C. Enquˆte mortalit‚, morbidit‚ et utilisation des services, Ha‹ti, 2012. Demographic and Health Surveys. Calverton, Maryland, USA : MSPP, IHE et ICF International, 2012 (and additional analysis).