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Source/Reference Details

Title:  Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III) 2005 - Health Examination
Authors:  Kim YT, Oh KY, Jang MJ, Park JK, Lee YK
Start Page:  1 End Page:  215
Reference Type:  report
Reference Type (Other): 
Electronic Citation:  #
Publisher:  Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Publication Location: 
Date of Publication:  2006
Notes:  Survey translation in English provided by Dr Cho-il Kim. See also source ref. 102570 and 102571.

Bibliographic Reference:
Kim YT, Oh KY, Jang MJ, Park JK, Lee YK. Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III) 2005 - Health Examination. Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2006., Personal communication: Dr Cho-il Kim, Nutrition Research Team, KHIDI, 57-1 Noryangjin-dong, Dongjak-ku, Seoul 156-800, Republic of Korea