NCD story

Odille Bernad

Odille Bernad, United States

I have been diagnosed with Thoracic Endometriosis and Catamenial Pneumothorax. What that means is that my right lung collapses once a month around the time of my period, causing unspeakable pain and respiratory problems, not to mention anxiety and depression. I had 2 surgeries on my lung within 2 months of each other, pleurodesis the first time and pleurectomy the second. Even so, a year and a half later I am still having the symptoms even though I am on HRT with Mirena IUD and Lupron Depon shots once a month. To date I have not found a pulmonary physician who knows how to treat this disease or have the willingness to try. Endometriosis being a "women's disease" does not get the appropriate attention or research funding. Why try to improve the health and quality of life of 176 million women in the world when we can dedicate energy and resources on something like erectile dysfunction? Am I bitter? You bet your ass I am. But I am also willing to participate in any kind of research or trials that will help improve the health condition of other women like me.