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Dimension: Mother's education level
LELM: Lowest education level of mother
HELM: Highest education level of mother
HLELM: Highest-lowest education level of mother
DELM: Difference highest-lowest
RELM: Ratio highest-lowest
DLHEM: Difference lowest-highest
RLHEM: Ratio lowest-highest
SHLM: Secondary or higher
NHLM: None
PRLM: Primary
NOA: Not Applicable
EDLVL00TO05YR: 0-5 years
EDLVL06TO11YR: 6-11 years
EDLVL12PLUSYR: 12+ years
BACHELOR: Bachelor's or equivalent level
MASTER: Master's or equivalent level
DOCTORAL: Doctoral or equivalent level
TERTIARY: Short-cycle tertiary education
TOTL: Total
EDUC_HIGHER: Higher education
EDUC_NONE_PRIMARY: None and primary education
EDUC_SECONDARY: Secondary education